GetlostMaps t1_j5o65xc wrote
Reply to The guy who makes comic book movies says that people will never get sick of comic book movies by _hiddenscout
People already are.
GetlostMaps t1_j5nxcob wrote
The whole point of making yourself into a mummy was that you became a statue. Statues were revered as they could hold the souls of the dead. For it then to be forgotten/ignored that there is a person inside there is actually exactly what they wanted when they chose to be mummified.
So this PC change is against the wishes of the deceased and very un-PC indeed.
GetlostMaps t1_j5nx5hj wrote
Reply to comment by bilateralrope in War Thunder Players Are Sharing Military Documents On The Forums Again by wewhomustnotbenamed
Da. We have good process, spasiba. Not to worry.
GetlostMaps t1_j5n4hpw wrote
Reply to comment by Narrative_Causality in Rain stopped York council's £500k electric bin lorries working by losimagic
GetlostMaps t1_j5kixjr wrote
GetlostMaps t1_j5jwkcm wrote
Lucky it doesn't rain much in England.
GetlostMaps t1_j5j5evu wrote
Reply to Waiheke Island resident fed up with being tormented by mysterious sausages put in his mailbox by Saarstriker
I wish someone did this to me. I'll put a little bell on my mailbox so I can get to it while it's still hot.
GetlostMaps t1_j5hnzsq wrote
Reply to comment by Astranoth in Spa sorry for offending victims of NI violence by IJustWantedThis
The heading and the first sentence is plenty.
GetlostMaps t1_j5hnyjs wrote
Reply to comment by mailboxfacehugs in Spa sorry for offending victims of NI violence by IJustWantedThis
Nah the heading and the first sentence is actually plenty.
GetlostMaps t1_j5hnvmi wrote
Reply to comment by Blood_Jesus in Spa sorry for offending victims of NI violence by IJustWantedThis
That was enough. The actual title helped too.
GetlostMaps t1_j5gpsh2 wrote
Reply to Gardener loses four fingers after the grenade he used as the key holder explodes by rocketboy44
Sounds like maybe it was a dud or only partially made-safe. Maybe just a primary charge.
GetlostMaps t1_j5go8it wrote
Rule #1
GetlostMaps t1_j5go6zu wrote
Reply to comment by stephanepare in Spa sorry for offending victims of NI violence by IJustWantedThis
You could have just opened the link. One glance at the heading and the first sentence would give you all you needed, even without the rest of the story.
GetlostMaps t1_j5gn04v wrote
Reply to comment by DickweedMcGee in How do you like that? Man farts during police strip search, given 75 hours unpaid work by zfreakazoidz
Please tell me these are real terms.
GetlostMaps t1_j5gmq1k wrote
Reply to comment by Horseman_ in How do you like that? Man farts during police strip search, given 75 hours unpaid work by zfreakazoidz
The US requires hairdressers to be licenced. The UK says ... They just cut your hair - why the fuck they need a licence. The US actually has far more licence requirements than the UK.
GetlostMaps t1_j5bweu1 wrote
Reply to comment by here4dambivalence in At least 50 children found cleaning Midwest slaughterhouses by here4dambivalence
Only one. I can make several burgers out of a big one.
GetlostMaps t1_j5bwbkr wrote
Reply to comment by WaterChi in At least 50 children found cleaning Midwest slaughterhouses by here4dambivalence
*American capitalism.
GetlostMaps t1_j587wi9 wrote
Reply to comment by squarepeg0000 in An illegal betting duo was arrested for roaming Minnesota casinos and, for a fee, playing slots for gamblers who watch on a TikTok livestream in hopes of striking it rich. They would keep $25 for every $100 deposited for wagering, and charge a $5.99 subscription fee. They have 165,000 followers. by heaintheavy
When I was about 7 I got 'arrested' at the airport for taking baggage carts back for people in the carpark. They cost $1 to rent and gave back 25c when you returned them. I was selling them for 50c. I was just waiting for a flight with my family and bored.
GetlostMaps t1_j587n4l wrote
Reply to An illegal betting duo was arrested for roaming Minnesota casinos and, for a fee, playing slots for gamblers who watch on a TikTok livestream in hopes of striking it rich. They would keep $25 for every $100 deposited for wagering, and charge a $5.99 subscription fee. They have 165,000 followers. by heaintheavy
Free Market in operation. No crime detected.
GetlostMaps t1_j57tlqu wrote
Reply to comment by Hi_Im_Dadbot in Pet fish commits credit card fraud on owner using a Nintendo Switch by TheBlairwitchy
I'm bowled over by this comment. I understand it was a fin-ancial crime..
GetlostMaps t1_j57d188 wrote
Reply to Deputies don't know how rat poison got into customer's Taco Bell order by XXmynameisNeganXX
Do they know how this repost appeared in the feed
GetlostMaps t1_j56ughn wrote
Reply to ‘Cow Dung Protects From Atomic Radiation’, Says Local Court While Sentencing Youth to Life by chacko96
I mean, it does a little tiny bit. It has water in it.
GetlostMaps t1_j56u9er wrote
Reply to comment by TaserLord in ‘Cow Dung Protects From Atomic Radiation’, Says Local Court While Sentencing Youth to Life by chacko96
I'm saving this comment on my beefsteak hard drive.
GetlostMaps t1_j56u27p wrote
Reply to comment by rimjobnemesis in Mystery divers rescued near Polish energy sites in the middle of the night offer dubious explanation, and vanish by nimobo
GetlostMaps t1_j5o69ga wrote
Reply to Nova Scotia university NSCAD takes “bold steps” to fight racism by excluding certain ethnicities by Advanced_Rain_8885
Rule 1