GetlostMaps t1_j9lpcq5 wrote
Reply to Spanish transport secretary resigns after new trains too big for tunnels by themimeofthemollies
Stop fucking reposting this
GetlostMaps t1_j9bwud0 wrote
Reply to comment by OldLadyReacts in Gritting routes are ‘sexist’ says Cambridgeshire highways chief and ‘must change’ by Bald__egg
Yes only women use toilet paper.
GetlostMaps t1_j9bwoyc wrote
Reply to comment by repeat4EMPHASIS in Gritting routes are ‘sexist’ says Cambridgeshire highways chief and ‘must change’ by Bald__egg
Indeed. There is certainly temperature sexism and it generally favors women.
GetlostMaps t1_j9bwc3w wrote
Reply to comment by joe-re in Gritting routes are ‘sexist’ says Cambridgeshire highways chief and ‘must change’ by Bald__egg
I'm not sure that the correlation is with gender. It tends to be with sex. Best not to conflate them these days.
GetlostMaps t1_j8zfvs9 wrote
I'm Old Gregg.
GetlostMaps t1_j8h1aed wrote
Stop fucking reposting this
GetlostMaps t1_j8b8pjv wrote
This story is older than a Utah bridle party.
GetlostMaps t1_j87pk8p wrote
Reply to comment by Mds_02 in What’s the Correct Color of Bees? In Austria, It’s a Toxic Topic. by MySixSense
The giant millipede isn't quite that big, the bat is bigger, but it's the Quokka that smiles like a person.
GetlostMaps t1_j87m89x wrote
Reply to comment by RPDRNick in What’s the Correct Color of Bees? In Austria, It’s a Toxic Topic. by MySixSense
We do have blue banded bees in Australia
GetlostMaps t1_j83b4c1 wrote
GetlostMaps t1_j8227vs wrote
Reply to Teen shoots self in toe, then friend fires at clerk in mistaken retaliation, police say by HaveBikeWillRide
GetlostMaps t1_j821mis wrote
Reply to comment by Darqnyz in Cockatoos can not only use tools, they can carry whole toolkits to trickier jobs, study shows by redundancy2
It's the nicest hollow on my street, I must say.
GetlostMaps t1_j81foc5 wrote
Reply to comment by chernobyl169 in Study shows instant noodles major cause of childhood scald injuries by tiltedpyramid
And Chicago has no residents with Asian backgrounds. My mistake. Maybe because it's too cold or something.
GetlostMaps t1_j818kta wrote
Reply to comment by chernobyl169 in Study shows instant noodles major cause of childhood scald injuries by tiltedpyramid
Half the world eats them as a staple food frend
GetlostMaps t1_j817rir wrote
Reply to comment by we_wuz_nabateans in Cacti replacing snow on Swiss mountainsides due to global heating by TwoMoreDays
It snows in the Arizona desert, all over the damn cactus.
GetlostMaps t1_j816sw1 wrote
Reply to comment by Rahadyan4869 in Cockatoos can not only use tools, they can carry whole toolkits to trickier jobs, study shows by redundancy2
I hired a firm of them to design me a house and their plans had me living in a tree hollow and there was nowhere to park my car.
GetlostMaps t1_j6mvsm7 wrote
Reply to comment by Jump_Like_A_Willys in Bird charity locked out of Twitter after woodcock tweets by ContentsMayVary
Maybe they should have tweeted more about Musk Ducks. They live in Australia and actually eat other ducks. Here's a picture I found of one.
GetlostMaps t1_j6lvh22 wrote
GetlostMaps t1_j6ktqy5 wrote
Reply to comment by Gayfetus in Shoplifter Caught Trying to Steal Giant 30″ Dildo from Circus of Books WeHo by Gayfetus
$23 per inch. That would make my own piece worth $50 easy.
GetlostMaps t1_j6hm8bu wrote
Reply to comment by Gilgie in McDonald's to play Beethoven in bid to deter yobs after rampage by Convair101
In Oz a ute is what yanks call a pick-up.
GetlostMaps t1_j6hm68s wrote
Reply to comment by reddituseronebillion in McDonald's to play Beethoven in bid to deter yobs after rampage by Convair101
With me droogs
GetlostMaps t1_j6hm4mi wrote
Reply to comment by BeYourself2021 in McDonald's to play Beethoven in bid to deter yobs after rampage by Convair101
In Australia we say Yobbo.
GetlostMaps t1_j6e5zyz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Rick Astley sues Yung Gravy over alleged Never Gonna Give You Up imitation by redlightist
They have to pay the monies dude
GetlostMaps t1_j5sbh61 wrote
I really miss Daredevil
GetlostMaps t1_j9swp45 wrote
Reply to comment by oneeyedziggy in Pueblo deputy awarded Purple Heart for injuries suffered during shooting of Richard Ward by Drablit
Is Purple Heart not a legally protected term? It's pretty close to stolen Valor.