
GhostOfRobertTreat OP t1_jat5wj5 wrote

I’m all for bike lanes, bump outs, etc. but having a mass of cars congested in the intersections and crosswalks is not safe for anyone. You can have good flow and a safe speed. I’d love to see 21 made more into a pedestrian friendly boulevard. But none of that matters if the light sequence is all screwed up.


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_jarhevd wrote

I think another set of eyes is great and why I encouraged him to set up a neighborhood watch with other people with a direct line to the police. I think walking around by yourself in a full face mask taking “action shots” and thinking you’re going to stop crime yourself is a quick way to end up in the hospital. I’m not against him wanting to walk around and keep an eye out. It’s the implication that he’s going to try to stop something himself while wearing a homemade mask because he thinks he’s a superhero that concerns me. Feel like I’m going to read in RLS about some 19 year old North Ward kid getting shot because he ran up to a carjacking to try to stop it.


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_jar0uux wrote

That doesn’t make any sense. What is the scenario where someone sees your face and then tracks you and your family down? You think you’re going to intervene in a crime and hand over criminals to the police? And the criminals are going to get out and walk around the neighborhood until they find you?

What are you actually planning on doing while wearing a mask? Are you going to run up and intervene if you witness an assault? A drug deal? A carjacking? A shooting? The odds are much greater you’ll be retaliated against violently in the moment if you come upon some crime.

The Guardian Angels in NYC patrolled in brightly colored uniforms with their faces exposed. It’s their actual presence that was supposed to reduce crime. Not actually intervening in criminal incidents. Neighborhood watches are real things that people do. Criminals don’t commit crime where there are witnesses. They do it where they can get away with it. If they know an area has regular people walking around a lot at night, they will move elsewhere.


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_janfcvu wrote

Hey man, just because I thought that guy was weird and had a terrible approach to whatever he was trying to do doesn’t mean I think it’s a good idea for you to go patrolling at night in a superhero mask. I still worry you’re going to stumble onto something you shouldn’t and get yourself stabbed or shot. If you want to do a neighborhood watch, you should reach out to the police and see about how to do something safely with a group of like-minded neighbors.


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_jamycpm wrote

I suppose if you want honest responses from people, you should be more open about who you are and why you’re doing this. Are you college kids trying to write a paper? Do you represent some group? Are you really just a few friends? Referring to your friends as colleagues and a brief Google form as a study feels shady AF. So that’s one Newark resident’s opinion for you.


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_jacuxuj wrote

It’s 100% this. Speaking to some developers a few years back and they thought a 1BR condo would have to sell for $450k to make it more worthwhile to them than a rental. I think a 2br was pushing 600k. That was like 5 years ago.

You don’t see a lot of condos in JC right now either. It’s all rental everywhere.


GhostOfRobertTreat OP t1_ja919wa wrote

I get it. The first thing is that you don’t need to send your kid to the “zoned” district school for your address. You can apply to any school in the city. To get an idea of the basic test scores for each district and charter you can start here:

The state also has more comprehensive reports on each school relating to absenteeism, demographics, all kinds of stuff. Google NJ DOE school reports.

There are different applications though which is super annoying. The district schools have their own. Most of the charters have a common app but a bunch have their own individual lottery. We applied to seven schools through four applications and the drawings are at different times. It’s maddening.

If you’re in Ironbound, I would strongly consider The Gray as it’s just across 21. It’s likely where we’re sending our kid since they’re pretty deep on the wait list for Robert Treat which would be much more convenient for us. There’s also another Robert Treat campus in downtown that I know people like.