
GhostOfRobertTreat t1_iuo78cl wrote

The issues tomorrow will be the demolition of the existing buildings and the design of the new ones. If you support this tower and want to speak publicly, it is important to note the existing buildings are not worth saving and the new one complements the other historic buildings in the district and doesn’t detract from them. Similar situation to the newest glass Prudential tower on Broad. Decrepit out of use buildings replaced by a tower that brings life to the neighborhood.


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_itl4bdf wrote

Community boards like this are bad. They serve to prevent development. We already have local elected officials and professional planning boards where the public can speak. Who chooses who sits on a community board? Who gets to represent the community? We have elections to decide that. NYC has these and they’re fucking terrible. At a minimum the extra time and effort to get through ends up raising the cost of a building and requires higher rents to make up for it. Hope it stays dead.