Glystopher t1_j6o6s7l wrote
Reply to comment by LFKhael in 120 Units Coming to the Banks of the Schuylkill River in Manayunk by ColdJay64
Glystopher t1_j6o6ilw wrote
Reply to comment by napsdufroid in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
I don’t mind stopping completely on an ebike, looks like I’ll have to get one again… stopping at every stop with no motor? Eh…
Glystopher t1_j6o5v9i wrote
Reply to comment by EnemyOfEloquence in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
Just take inside. Mine was 108lbs and I could get it up the stoop steps one step at a time.
Glystopher t1_j6o5nm3 wrote
Reply to comment by Laserdollarz in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
Yep I had an Ariel rider grizzly but didn’t want to pay velosurance, isn’t it expensive??? I have an injury lawyer working on my case and my renters might help
Glystopher t1_j6o4fyj wrote
Reply to comment by Cobey1 in Temple University Graduate Students Go on Strike after Year of Unsuccessful Negotiations by BigxMac
So it doesn’t help to go right from undergrad to masters or above? What do they want to see instead? Work experience?
The one thing that I hate getting is certifications though..
Glystopher t1_j6o3yw5 wrote
Reply to comment by Adventurous_Key3647 in This is why you don't park like an asshole. As if the sanitation workers don't have enough to deal with. They tried for 20 minutes and gave up. Now this entire block has trash sitting here until next time. by Adventurous_Key3647
At insane speeds no less they squish the bus! Perfect for philly lol
Glystopher t1_j6nen9c wrote
Reply to comment by Laserdollarz in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
Got details on your setup?
Glystopher t1_j6n2c09 wrote
Reply to comment by Lazerpop in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
Exactly! And the damn cars can still get you on the sidewalk!
Glystopher t1_j6mvwfr wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in PSA: Put in your PTO request/ block off your morning on the 13th by CheeseburgerLover911
I feel like that is too late for any consumption of beer at all, so yes that’s late. Day off it is.
Glystopher t1_j6l9djh wrote
Reply to comment by Glystopher in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
Also , somewhat unrelated but my van that sits most of the time? Some dh decided to bust out my drivers side window. 7 years I’ve gone without “bad things “ happening to me walking biking and otherwise in philly- is my luck and karma gone now? It feels suspiciously targeted, but that’s unprovable and paranoid…
Glystopher t1_j6l7357 wrote
Reply to comment by Wuz314159 in PSA: Put in your PTO request/ block off your morning on the 13th by CheeseburgerLover911
The game. It’s on late for one, two , eagles win!
Glystopher t1_j6l5wua wrote
Reply to comment by nowtayneicangetinto in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
I’m gonna bike again anyhow because I’m not driving my e150 van around - it’s too big for in city driving. Moving house and camping only.
Glystopher t1_j6l5i1d wrote
Reply to comment by sureskinsoldier in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
When you park your bike to walk in somewhere, guess what you are then? Was exactly my sidewalk situation , car destroyed my bike and my legs in one shot, while I was trying to enter a Wawa
Glystopher t1_j6l4u31 wrote
Reply to comment by enn_sixty_four in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
I’ll figure it out. Can’t leave the camera anywhere anyhow, it’s gotta come in or get stolen. I think they have onboard storage, and computer storage is cheap if I want to keep videos, or just erase them if nothing noteworthy happened
Glystopher t1_j6l20kp wrote
Reply to comment by RJ5R in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
Hehe, a favorite pastime of mine is downvoting mod posts… not just here, but in every sub.
Glystopher t1_j6kv4ei wrote
Reply to comment by hdhcnsnd in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
Yep I was hit on the gd fucking sidewalk and broke both legs, and my parked ebike was destroyed. Fuck this noise, when I resume biking I’m wearing a GoPro which I will also mount on my van dash for when I encounter idiots there as well
Glystopher t1_j6cdukt wrote
Reply to comment by RoverTheMonster in Why are there like 30+ business listed at 367 Durfor Street on GrubHub? by sarahpullin8
Archive dot something right?
Glystopher t1_j6cddmk wrote
Reply to comment by cerialthriller in Why are there like 30+ business listed at 367 Durfor Street on GrubHub? by sarahpullin8
Glystopher t1_j5z7x14 wrote
Reply to comment by pianoprofiteer in Philadelphia juvenile street gang linked to thefts of nearly 100 firearms from Pennsylvania gun stores by TreeMac12
Why don’t we start going after the power and money people. We need to start raising a fuss like the French, and bring out those uprights with the cute blade between them!
Glystopher t1_j5w1yoy wrote
Reply to Cat boarding recommendations by ThatWasTheJawn
It’s interesting that cats are much more attached to their home spot than dogs, though neither of them enjoy being away from their owners
Glystopher t1_j5usix2 wrote
Reply to comment by TrentonMakes in Philadelphia juvenile street gang linked to thefts of nearly 100 firearms from Pennsylvania gun stores by TreeMac12
Agree…. Also it looks like not only the guys are involved but now the girls are too? Possibly someone’s whole family. Angel looks like the matriarch of the thing, after all she was running a daycare. (See other link ITT about PPP loan funds)
Glystopher t1_j5tw1e8 wrote
Reply to comment by JoeSchadsSource in Philadelphia is approaching a snow drought record by ColdJay64
More like June or almost to July in recent years. Brrr!
Glystopher t1_j5qi5u0 wrote
Reply to comment by Raecino in Temple holds safety town hall after student attacked near campus by redeyeblink
Seems like there’s housing projects scattered all over philly… hard to be far from one at any given location…
Glystopher t1_j5le33p wrote
Reply to Hit-and-run crashes hours apart kill woman in South Philadelphia, man riding bike in Kensington by hdhcnsnd
Adding in here that a hit in run in front of the wawa at 38th and spruce sent me to the hospital with double broken lower legs. Just now walking and getting back to normal. Destroyed my parked ebike too. Both myself and the bike were on the SIDEWALK!!! The resulting chaos also damaged the window of the Wawa and about 4 light poles 3 trash cans, the bike lockup and a couples newish looking beefed up electric scooters . WTF!!
Glystopher t1_j6o85km wrote
Reply to comment by EnemyOfEloquence in Third Bicyclist Killed in Philadelphia in January 2023 - Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia by hdhcnsnd
Oh I just use a moped sized chain lock, 15 pounds altogether , heavy sucker. Helped put traction on the front motor because I would wrap it towards the front of the tube. Miss that bike Ariel rider grizzly . RIP along with my now titanium filled lower legs