
GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_j662ogu wrote

We absolutely need more involvement in non-election years and throughout primaries. Most of my neighbors would never show up to a community event that involves raising awareness for a problem or issue.

Politics have shifted so far to the right in this country, that we are electing conservatives to office and expecting them to enact progressive policies just because they aren’t far-right. Capitalism and greed are the root cause of our problems, but all peoples talk about is the R or the D.

I understand that feeling of despair after watching nothing change for years. That’s why I moved from my hometown. I’m a registered RINO who now leans farther to the left than most people who live up here. I couldn’t take the hatred and indifference from the overwhelming majority of people I grew up around anymore.

Anytime I would mention something is wrong, it was all finger-pointing and no accountability. Blaming some nonexistent left-wing menace, while stripping our rights and giving corporate handouts to their friends.

Providence needs someone like Fetterman to unite the community behind blue-collar workers and the working class. I’m still new enough here than I don’t even know anyone who remotely could fit that description.


GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_j61lyqw wrote

If you really care about something, you want to improve it. I think a lot of criticism comes from people who see room for improvement, which is great. There’s just a few too many people who talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. Get involved with your community people.

Then there’s also a group of trolls and conservatives who sow discord and act like the sky is falling every day. That’s where I see the worst of the negativity.


GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_j61kygt wrote

Moving to Providence may be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. People here may be tired of me constantly saying this place is wonderful, but this place is paradise compared to a lot of places in the south.

Now I’m not saying there isn’t a lot of work that can be done to improve this place, but what I am saying is this is in the top 10% places you could across the country.

The issues here can be fixed as well. The community can work together and make the changes they want to see. Laws need to be changed, housing needs to be built, some cops need to be fired, the list goes on. I feel better about the state of things here compared to where I came from in Florida.


GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_j515oj3 wrote

29M living over in PVD. Moved up here from FL fall 2021 and I’ve only made a few friends.

I play tennis at RWP during the non-winter seasons, and am currently learning to ice skate. In the process of getting Boston Celtics season tickets.

Works been keeping me from making as many friends as I’d like. It’s definitely not specific to New-England.


GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_iyrxxyx wrote

PPAC and The Vets are both worth looking into for their upcoming events.

Edit: if either of you has a student ID you can go to the PPAC 2 hours before a show and get 50% off tickets :)