GoHuskies1984 t1_j2dpex6 wrote
Reply to How much of you would actually be in favor of HOB-WTC being restored on the weekends (even if it meant cutting service on the JSQ-33rd Street via HOB line)? by D_Empire412
I'm sure PA leadership will see this and take action! /s
GoHuskies1984 t1_j1z1q40 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Luxury building tenants have CrossFit gym, skyline views — but no heat, gas by PichuLovy
$4450 for 2 beds would be dirt cheap here in midtown. People pay more for studios and one beds.
GoHuskies1984 t1_j1dx02x wrote
Reply to comment by wesweslaco in Actual Progress at Whole Foods by BikingVikingNYC
Wouldn't surprise me the delay is redesigning JC as a cashierless store. Whole Foods version of Amazon Go.
GoHuskies1984 t1_j1ddmwi wrote
Reply to Any words of advice for the flash freeze forecast tomorrow? Will PATH be affected? by dingo8yobb
FYI - Wet leaves and the residue they leave behind is more trouble on tracks than ice. PATH will be fine.
GoHuskies1984 OP t1_j161ium wrote
Reply to comment by DavidPuddy666 in Typical Jersey City driver. by GoHuskies1984
Missed the obvious DO NOT ENTER signs.
GoHuskies1984 t1_j15e89x wrote
Reply to comment by kyogreblue in Gay NYC Councilman Erik Bottcher Offered Police Protection After Home Targeted by irish_fellow_nyc
His city profile mentions his past activism and refers to him as gay. I don't know the guy but he comes across as proud of being an openly gay councilman.
Hate isn't stopped by catering to the hateful and trying to hide.
GoHuskies1984 t1_izxbxi5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ground broken on new $3.2B station that will take riders from Bronx-to-Penn Station in one ride by elizabeth-cooper
Watch how many 5 over 1 sized luxury apartment projects will pop up near each station.
GoHuskies1984 t1_izfm8a5 wrote
Reading these responses is a reminder how much reddit hates cruise ships.
GoHuskies1984 t1_iyw3ygt wrote
Reply to This huge tower in Laurel Hill Park overlooking the Meadowlands is shaping up! by JCwhatimsayin
I don't mind glass towers when they exist in clusters amid a dense urban space, this however looks too out of place.
GoHuskies1984 t1_iydltem wrote
Reply to comment by Jahooodie in Apple Store Opening at Massive American Dream Mall, likely ensuring no Apple Store for jc ever by mooseLimbsCatLicks
8.875% vs 6.625% is splitting hairs.
Jersey City UEZ tax status is expiring as of 2023.
GoHuskies1984 t1_iy93aue wrote
Reply to comment by dpirmann in Are we ever going to be able to pour our own milk/cream in our coffee ever again? Or are we forever chained to the proportions the barista gives us? by Jersey-City-2468
Quick Google search says Starbucks uses 160,000,000 gallons of milk annually. Figure a tiny savings like half a percent milk saved each year due to avoiding theft or large pours. That's still 8,000,000 gallons saved and assuming a mass quality average of $2 p/gallon that's $16 million saved annually.
Add in the more expensive milk options and ballpark probably looking at $50 million or more saved each year.
GoHuskies1984 t1_iy8nneh wrote
Reply to West side high rises coming, with new light rail station, + open space by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Renders look great.
I hope the light rail expansion pans out because the last thing JC needs is a massive new car dependent community.
GoHuskies1984 t1_iy0y2tl wrote
Reply to Cannabis dispensaries good for JC but not all neighborhood seeing the same activity. by Maleficent-Baby-1926
Rec dispensaries want to make money.
The first rec shops are always going to be in convenient areas or former industrial neighborhoods where leases are cheap and parking is easy.
GoHuskies1984 t1_ixm6jwy wrote
Every year I think this will be the year I'll do this then I think how the hell am I going to survive umpteen hours without easy restroom access.
GoHuskies1984 t1_ixif0jx wrote
Traffic isn't bad early AM on a holiday. Plan to leave closer to 6am/7am and grab coffee at the airport.
Airport shouldn't be terrible either - TSA numbers last year were below average for the month.
GoHuskies1984 t1_ixexxfn wrote
Reply to comment by blablabla9876 in Manhattan gay bar owner laments NYPD's 'nonchalant' response to vandalism attacks by kj001313
Social media sleuthing gave police the heads up.
I'm looking at some Facebook posts by the subject appears to be an unstable and low self esteem individual who lashed out.
GoHuskies1984 t1_ixclszn wrote
Reply to comment by sirzoop in It's a Miracle Your Favorite Local Bar Still Exists by troxwalt
Cocktail bar probably averages higher than $10 per drink not to mention patrons are probably averaging more than one drink per visit.
Article example sounds too low volume to survive.
GoHuskies1984 t1_iwyoes5 wrote
Reply to comment by CdotLu in Just now at Harsimus Cove. by Attica-Attica
Also the vehicle is generic budget trim Ford Explorer. Possibly a rental car in the hands of someone not familiar with the area.
GoHuskies1984 t1_iwqmyaw wrote
Reply to comment by GeorgeWBush2016 in Paulus Hook Goldman Sachs parking lot, waiting for new residential tower construction by mwc665324
That will require voters to vote in a new council that supports subsidizing affordable development. That also very likely means another tax hike to pay for this.
GoHuskies1984 t1_ivjqnnv wrote
Reply to what do the Hudson River fishermen do with all the crabs they catch at the pier and waterfront? by Delicious_Adeptness9
Where did you think La Conga gets seafood.
GoHuskies1984 t1_ivi0rdn wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Turnpike Authority Forgot to Mention 10X Cheaper Option to Repair Turnpike Extension Bridge by jimmybot
I can think of two immediate reasons.
1 - Long haul customers are not all connected to rail.
2 - Railroads are swimming in profits and smaller volume customers may find it cheaper to use trucking. Couple this with #1 - If I'm receiving only a few containers per month to my Missouri business it may be cheaper for me to have them trucked from Norfolk. Moving rail to Chicago then on road last mile might cost me more overall.
GoHuskies1984 t1_ivhp1uj wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Turnpike Authority Forgot to Mention 10X Cheaper Option to Repair Turnpike Extension Bridge by jimmybot
There is already a rail terminal in Bayonne for middle mile container movement.
Containers going by truck is the last mile delivery to customers in the northeast region.
GoHuskies1984 t1_iv5jf1x wrote
Reply to Using phone with Speaker on PATH train. by lazysloath1
Engaging these people isn't worth it. At best you'll get that sass comeback. At worst they'll throw down to show what's what.
Too many people just don't care, have zero shame, and absolutely no concern for anyone else. They'll say the city made them that way.
GoHuskies1984 t1_iv18uv6 wrote
Reply to NYCers I see you pay for street parking while FedEx, UPS and other corporate empires get free parking all over our city. by jfo23chickens
Delivery drivers get tickets all the time. Companies like UPS and FedEx have expected costs for tickets and go as far as to negotiate prepaid rates with parking agencies.
GoHuskies1984 t1_j3wqkrt wrote
Reply to comment by nim_opet in George Santos: “I have done nothing unethical” by newzee1
He'll be that weird uncle everyone hates but invites to dinner because he's family.
By "everyone" I mean the GOP.