
t1_jee74we wrote

personally i think the best part is no sales tax. no stressful rounding up in the middle of the store to estimate if you REALLY have enough for something. the worst part is the winter. its freezing cold, snows for like 7 months out of the year, and doesn't get warm enough to melt any of it throughout the season so old snow just becomes frozen dirt. their go to conversation starter is always along the lines of "do you ski or snowboard" which is an insane thing to hear when you're accustomed to believing skiing is a rich people thing. no sunlight whatsoever. its like every house and building in this state was somehow constructed with all north facing windows no matter what side of the house theyre on. i moved here from coastal north carolina a couple years ago and firmly believe these people have to have some kind of altered genetics just to be able to stay awake through the winter without going through psychosis.

also i noticed in another comment you said youre from new mexico, this next thing isnt a "bad" thing per se but just something i think is worth mentioning. im 100% white and speak english only, but all throughout school and growing up everything was always in english AND spanish. announcements were made once in english and again in spanish, school documents were double sided with english on one side and spanish on the other, wet floor signs were double sided the same way and advertisements were english with spanish subtext. my first day of school, after they said the english announcements and turned off the intercom, caught me so off guard. i mean it makes sense really there arent a lot of spanish speaking people in new hampshire. i thought maybe since they're closer to canada they do it in english and french instead of english and spanish but they just do everything in english here. not bad but kinda confusing when youre not expecting it

edit- would like to add that i dont have anything against nh, im just not a fan of that particular season. its a beautiful state all year round (especially fall)