GokuBlack455 t1_iy27cyo wrote
Reply to comment by __The__Anomaly__ in Mexico's Lopez Obrador leads massive pro-government march by Miserable-Lizard
I’m Mexican, not living in Mexico but am somewhat up to date on the Mexican government and the Mexican National Football Team, and I have yet to find an answer to that exact same question.
I would assume his aims are to reduce corruption in the government (especially after the dunce Peña) and fight Cartel crime, both of which he’s done absolutely nothing. Also help aid the poor working class of Mexico but I don’t think he’s done much if anything. I would assume also strengthen ties with the USA and make Mexico more internationally well-known, but right now Mexico is still well-known for two things: a mediocre football team and extreme violence. To be fair, the extreme violence is well-known in all of Central and South America too; Mexico and Brazil are the most violent countries I believe. In short, AMLO has been one of the most useless presidents in world history.
GokuBlack455 t1_iy6aiit wrote
Reply to comment by lonewolf420 in Mexico's Lopez Obrador leads massive pro-government march by Miserable-Lizard
The cartels are not terrorists. I greatly despise the cartels and they are the prime reason (alongside the failure of all Mexican administrations since Calderón to deal with them) why I dislike going to Mexico, but they are not terrorists and believing they are so is a sign of ignorance on the subject. Terrorists are groups of individuals who engage in extreme acts, typically violent, to intimidate, terrorize, and cause fear amongst a population usually due to opposing point of views. ISIL and Al-Qaeda terrorized others because they weren't Muslim or largely opposed their radical Islamic ideology. Mexican cartels aren't terrorists, they are criminal syndicates that use violence as a way to distill fear against other cartels and the Mexican military. The cartels couldn't care less about religious point of views or even ideologies, they don't care about that at all, they care about making money and continuing their illegal rings of drug, sex/human, and arms trafficking. They are crime organizations that have infiltrated the economy of Mexico and hold it hostage, but they don't commit acts of violence randomly just because, they do it because of turf wars and confrontation against the government. You can imagine the Mexican cartels as being pretty much like the gangsters and mafias that ruled New York in the 1970s, just with US military grade technology and weapons.
Labeling the Mexican cartels as terrorists is the same as labeling the US military as terrorists.