GooFoYouPal t1_ixz07f6 wrote
Reply to comment by Lizzardking666 in Philly’s Candy Lady. You know her. And never count her out. by AgentDaxis
oh you must have read it within like seconds of me sending it haha. Sometimes my app gets buggy cuts off and I can’t see wtf I’m typing, so I have to post the comment and then go back and edit it. I didn’t stroke out, promise.
GooFoYouPal t1_ixywx4l wrote
Reply to comment by Lizzardking666 in Philly’s Candy Lady. You know her. And never count her out. by AgentDaxis
holy shit I remember her. I’d go with my grandma to the Terminal all the time and she would ALWAYS be out there saying “penny candy ?!” in that like shrill voice. My grandma would give her money but never actually take any candy haha. She’d yell “thank you!” and “bless you!” as you walked down the entire block.
GooFoYouPal t1_ixt45n7 wrote
Reply to Kensington dot dot dot by Big_P4U
What are you, a fucking asshole ?
GooFoYouPal t1_ixqby4p wrote
Reply to comment by Ink_Witch in Where can I get wine now? Everything is closed by Littlecivciv
Dude, you have to wait !
GooFoYouPal t1_ixm096s wrote
Reply to comment by _crapitalism in Two Philly developers think Atlantic City can look more like Amsterdam with the help of a $3 billion housing development by Dryheavemorning
It’s not his job to fix multi-generational poverty. His job is literally to prosecute crime. He’s objectively failing to do that or prove to be even remotely competent.
GooFoYouPal t1_iwghuir wrote
Reply to comment by wheelfoot in The Boozy Mutt will open at the former North Star Bar in Philly by PhillyPanda
It’s hard to do anything after a case of beer at the dog park.
GooFoYouPal t1_iwga8e7 wrote
Do rich parents just give their kids money and not actually care what they do with it?
GooFoYouPal t1_iu2o30t wrote
Reply to comment by xpeebsx in What was your first job in/around Philly? by PassyunkHoagie
More details.
GooFoYouPal t1_iu2nyql wrote
Reply to comment by bierdimpfe in What was your first job in/around Philly? by PassyunkHoagie
Torresdale ?
GooFoYouPal t1_iu224av wrote
Reply to comment by Mia-white-97 in Deputy arrested for illegally selling guns used in Roxborough HS shooting by dc122186
Says it right in the fucking article and why would reporters care he’s a cop ? And the feds dgaf that he’s a Sheriff’s Deputy, in fact, they prefer it.
GooFoYouPal t1_iu0ww5n wrote
Reply to comment by PassyunkHoagie in What was your first job in/around Philly? by PassyunkHoagie
You know, im not sure. This was 30+ years ago, I just remember going after school to pick up my allotment at the drop off house and then delivering them.
GooFoYouPal t1_iu0rm9q wrote
delivering the Daily News PM edition
GooFoYouPal OP t1_itijikf wrote
Reply to comment by TheMomJawn in It’s pickleball players vs. neighbors in Chestnut Hill noise dispute by GooFoYouPal
Does the pickleball noise irk the folks ?
GooFoYouPal OP t1_iti25t9 wrote
Reply to comment by lassymavin in It’s pickleball players vs. neighbors in Chestnut Hill noise dispute by GooFoYouPal
Ngl, I listened to that audio clip embedded in the article, and there’s no fucking way I’d want that outside my window all day. I’d be losing it too. I have zero stake in any of this, but it’s really, really easy to dismiss peoples’ complaints when you ain’t dealing with it.
GooFoYouPal OP t1_ithmonk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in It’s pickleball players vs. neighbors in Chestnut Hill noise dispute by GooFoYouPal
Especially when there’s laughter and diversity!
GooFoYouPal OP t1_ithfzh7 wrote
>> Player Leonard Dow, 58, of Mount Airy, who works in financial services, said, “I recognize what the neighborhood is saying, but we’re giving them laughter, diversity of age and race. That’s what city life is about.”
I think my Kenzo neighbors say the same thing when they drink White Claws on their steps until 4 AM.
GooFoYouPal OP t1_ith2h2b wrote
I don’t live in Chestnut Hill and I don’t play pickleball but I find this dispute fascinating. Some real gem quotes in here from both sides.
I think this is my favorite, for many reasons:
>”When people get upset about something placed in their neighborhood, it’s usually not pickleball but something like safe-injection sites that they don’t want — which I support, by the way,” said Deirdre Dingman, a professor at Temple University’s College of Public Health who plays pickleball at the courts and lives around the corner, undisturbed by the din.
GooFoYouPal t1_itgzrkz wrote
Reply to comment by ratmoustache in Grimy, innercity Philly by TimeFourChanges
I appreciate the pic of the park.
GooFoYouPal t1_itgwksw wrote
Reply to comment by ratmoustache in Grimy, innercity Philly by TimeFourChanges
GooFoYouPal t1_itguz58 wrote
Reply to comment by ratmoustache in Grimy, innercity Philly by TimeFourChanges
Inner city is two words. And hyphenated when used as an adjective.
GooFoYouPal t1_itgnkhk wrote
Reply to Grimy, innercity Philly by TimeFourChanges
This is a park.
GooFoYouPal t1_itc5jog wrote
Reply to comment by tshirtbag in Places where you can mindfully connect with the soul of our city’s history by reddittowl87
Nothing, sounds, uh, great…
GooFoYouPal t1_itc0jml wrote
Reply to comment by jimsinspace in Places where you can mindfully connect with the soul of our city’s history by reddittowl87
Like, just sit in someone’s basement ?
GooFoYouPal t1_isbjlpt wrote
Reply to comment by karensPA in The captain of a busy Philly police district is often absent. Yet he’s in line for promotion. by BroadStreetRandy
Again, BOTH those things can be true. You seem to have a problem grasping that very, very basic concept.
GooFoYouPal t1_ixz0jir wrote
Reply to Rebirth on Broad Street: How Boot & Saddle became Solar Myth by South_Cockroach_156
Sometimes I’ll read an entire article on a place and still have no idea exactly what it’s going to be.