GooseEntire1705 OP t1_jbc0lau wrote
Reply to comment by TheOneWhoReadsStuff in Cayin HA-3A Sound Impressions by GooseEntire1705
It's my personal listening/gaming room so nobody ever goes in there but myself lol.
GooseEntire1705 OP t1_jatmox6 wrote
Reply to comment by pFrancisco in Cayin HA-3A Sound Impressions by GooseEntire1705
A90D is less detailed, thinner, less bass and worse texture of bass, less soundstage. I did an A/B comparison, its literally what I hear. The one objective plus for the A90D is the speed.
GooseEntire1705 OP t1_jat3ei6 wrote
Reply to comment by PutPineappleOnPizza in Cayin HA-3A Sound Impressions by GooseEntire1705
It's also the reflektor 6v6 tubes that were installed not just the sylvanias.
GooseEntire1705 OP t1_jasy6b7 wrote
Reply to Cayin HA-3A Sound Impressions by GooseEntire1705
First real sound impressions as I have now received the Sylvania 5814a & Reflektor 6V6GT tubes and I have kept the same stock rectifier tube for now....
Firstly the stock tubes are utter trash and I really didn't like them. The sound was too smoothed over and details were lost in the music and it annoys me how modern tubes are still far off in the quality of the sound compared to vintage tubes. I used the LCD 4 for this session as people say this headphone really scale endlessly to better gear and I can say this session was the best I have heard them and I didn't think it was possible to achieve such results. I have got the Topping A90D and Schiit Lyr + as my other amps and they aren't in the same solar system to the HA-3A with vintage tubes installed. I actually used the stock LCD 4 1/4 jack cable and there was no hissing compared to the XLR connection. The amount of power in the HA-3A meant that I never went past 12 o clock on the volume dial.
So with these new tubes the stage became wider and decay on notes became a lot more apparent. I could really focus on a single note in the background and hear all its decay. Music that I've listened to for years revealed extra hidden details that I could just not hear with my other amps. The background was absolutely dark and clear which was one of the most impressive things because the music feels like its just floating and appearing in a completely dark background and I was truly amazed. The tonality was also perfect in its delivery of the instruments and vocals and nothing was shouty which is tube dependent I guess but this is my 1st try with different tubes so the result is great. The bass had less punch than the Schiit Lyr + (with Sylvania Bad Boy Tube) but I feel like it was more detailed and the decay was a lot better and overall more balanced. It's also incredible of how precise but musical everything was and it all blended together to create some weeping during my listening to tracks like California Hotel (MTV live version). Lastly I didn't notice any fall off in speed and EDM tracks were highly enjoyable to listen to.
I now have the confidence in this amp to save up for the the Abyss AB 1266 Phi TC because I know this amp has the resources to take full advantage of that headphone. The Schiit Lyr + and Topping A90D can kick dust and will be sold. I will only keep the Ifi Zen Can as a backup just in case.
GooseEntire1705 t1_j8w2nmg wrote
Reply to Just got the Abyss Diana TC by petethebeat14
The LCD 5 is probably the best headphones to mix in because of their neutrality and detail. Also your headphone amp/dac is very important for these high end headphones and it looks like this is holding back the Diana TC.
GooseEntire1705 t1_j7ttavj wrote
Reply to HE1 in stock free shipping Canada by UberHaxorMarty
Its a trap there's no tracking with the free shipping...
GooseEntire1705 OP t1_j7s72u6 wrote
Reply to comment by LeEasy in Finally entered the tube world! (SchiitLyr + Impressions) by GooseEntire1705
I didn't downvote and I just got a new tube and it blows the detail and instrument separation compared to the A90D. Bass is harder and punchier and the Midrange is pushed forward so the vocals are just magical now. I got the SYLVANIA 6SN7GTB tube and it's been probably one of the most impressive experiences I have had in audio. Compared to the stock tube it's a complete night and day difference and I am actually contemplating selling the A90D. Anyways, I will write a follow up post tomorrow as I will get my 4.4 to 3.5 adaptor so I will also be able to use my 800S on there as I cba to deal with those hellish connectors!
GooseEntire1705 OP t1_j7qobi5 wrote
Reply to comment by politeCanadaPlatypus in Finally entered the tube world! (SchiitLyr + Impressions) by GooseEntire1705
Its just a close up of the desk I keep 3 headphones on the desk and others on a different desk.
GooseEntire1705 OP t1_j7qo5nf wrote
Reply to comment by rjmoyer2 in Finally entered the tube world! (SchiitLyr + Impressions) by GooseEntire1705
All my headphones have a 4.4 balanced cable attached so I bought a 4.4 to 3.5 adapter which is coming tomorrow so I can finally test out the 800S!
GooseEntire1705 OP t1_j7os1lo wrote
Reply to comment by LeEasy in Finally entered the tube world! (SchiitLyr + Impressions) by GooseEntire1705
I got the Lyr because it has the power I need to drive certain headphones.
GooseEntire1705 OP t1_j7na2l0 wrote
Reply to comment by Magol79 in Finally entered the tube world! (SchiitLyr + Impressions) by GooseEntire1705
Do you know how I can use it as a pre amp to the topping a90d? I have plugged in the RCA cables to the pre amp port on the Schiit and then to the input rca of the topping a90d. is that correct? I have also set the schiit to pre amp mode and the topping to pre amp mode.
GooseEntire1705 OP t1_j7n7t9y wrote
Reply to comment by MrCatsoup in Finally entered the tube world! (SchiitLyr + Impressions) by GooseEntire1705
GooseEntire1705 OP t1_j7m845u wrote
Reply to comment by IAmAgainst in Finally entered the tube world! (SchiitLyr + Impressions) by GooseEntire1705
I ordered 2 tubes. See details below;
Shuguang Treasure CV181-Z
GooseEntire1705 OP t1_j7m5bjx wrote
I was looking for tube amplifiers to switch up the sound with my headphones and wanted something that could drive my LCD 4 as most tube amps don't have the power unless you are willing to spend a few thousand pounds but this hybrid amp will drive any headphone.
First impressions
This unit is like a tank! small footprint but very heavy and extremely well made and I really like the volume dial.
I am a little disappointed at not having any balanced outputs or inputs so I could run balanced with my headphones and DAC but it is what it is. I have only tested this amp with the LCD 4 as I am not taking off my balanced HD800S cable and swapping it for the stock unbalanced cable as we all know its a pain. I have ordered a 4.4 to 3.5 adapter that I will use but that has not arrived yet so cannot offer my impressions of that headphone with the amp yet.
For context I have been using the Topping A90D as my main amp for many months now. I waited maybe an hour to let the tube warm up before starting to listen. Compared to the A90D the tube mode on the Schiit Lyr is a lot warmer and not as thin sounding when comparing both amps. The bass hits harder and vocalists have a more warmer body to them but I think the stereo imaging isn't as precise as the A90D and the sound signature is definitely more relaxed but somewhat more enjoyable in most of the music I compared.
I am running the stock tube and I have ordered more that people have recommended so the sound can change a lot when tube rolling but this is just the first impressions with the stock tube.
Overall a great first impressions by the Lyr and I am excited at swapping the tube to see what results I can get going forward.
GooseEntire1705 t1_j5ogw9x wrote
Reply to Help me ID these headphones by SuperValue
Obviously a grado and this mouse isn't even wearing them properly....
GooseEntire1705 t1_j2sykli wrote
Reply to My First Audeze Headphone by Incarnation139
Welcome to the club!
Did you get the ebony wood version? it's the best headphone in my collection, the best bass, stereo imaging and vocals I have ever heard in a headphone. Enjoy!
GooseEntire1705 t1_j1u1yp5 wrote
Reply to comment by Expensive_Yam_1742 in How much of a difference can I expect if I buy boutique aftermarket cables? by undecidables
Yeah a custom cable won't make any difference for HD600 unless it's a balanced cable that will give you more power. Very revealing headphones like my HD800S or LCD 4 will show sonic differences with different cables.
GooseEntire1705 t1_j1q1ncs wrote
Reply to comment by siikdUde in this definitely wasn’t an impulse buy by siikdUde
Yeah the Focal Clear MG had the same issue with the left driver rattling at sub-bass frequencies
GooseEntire1705 t1_je758v7 wrote
Reply to Best closed back headphones in your opinion? by iMagZz
2021 LCD XC