GozerDGozerian t1_jcry32v wrote
Reply to comment by Campellarino in TIL Charles Dickens had a talking pet raven named Grip, who terrorized his dog, buried valuables in the yard, and died eating "a pound or two" of lead paint. As a character in one of his novels, Grip is believed to have inspired Poe's famous poem, and is on display in a Philadelphia public library by jableshables
She has a good shine. But shellacs permanence.
GozerDGozerian t1_jce7pah wrote
Reply to comment by redhalftone in Identity, Me, Digital, 2023 by redhalftone
This is really fucking rad. Well done!
GozerDGozerian t1_japn51u wrote
Reply to comment by TheCloudFestival in TIL "to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps" is an example of an impossible task. The idiom dates at least to 1834, from the Workingman's Advocate: "It is conjectured that Mr. Murphee will now be enabled to hand himself over the Cumberland river or a barn yard fence by the straps of his boots. by meat-juice
>Munchausen Trilemma
Aaaaand down the rabbit hole I go! Thanks!
GozerDGozerian t1_japmxt6 wrote
Reply to comment by Fake_William_Shatner in TIL "to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps" is an example of an impossible task. The idiom dates at least to 1834, from the Workingman's Advocate: "It is conjectured that Mr. Murphee will now be enabled to hand himself over the Cumberland river or a barn yard fence by the straps of his boots. by meat-juice
TIL Terry Gilliam has a movie about Baron Avon Munchausen! Putting that one in the queue!
GozerDGozerian t1_j5xoo17 wrote
Reply to comment by lucpet in TIL star systems are much closer together near the center of the galaxy, with some being only 0.4–0.04 light-years apart by yoguckfourself
The galactic hillbillies.
GozerDGozerian t1_j5xobei wrote
Reply to comment by FridgesArePeopleToo in TIL Jonny Greenwood pretended to play keyboards for months when he joined Radiohead. He was told "I can’t quite hear what you’re doing, but I think you’re adding a really interesting texture" by btb331
This is what you get when you mess with us.
GozerDGozerian t1_j5ihdj2 wrote
Reply to comment by FaptainAwesome in TIL that cats are more vocal with humans than with other cats. by Everyusernametaken1
One of my cats is a Bengal and he basically never fuckin shuts up. We have full on conversations. Especially when I walk into the kitchen.
GozerDGozerian t1_j22jzp6 wrote
Reply to comment by GapingFartLocker in Ariana Grande donates Christmas gifts to Manchester hospitals by Worldly_Pirate_9817
Marylin Manson?
GozerDGozerian t1_iyc6flq wrote
Reply to comment by feral_brick in Photo shows 3 stowaways who were rescued from oil tanker's rudder after likely 11-day ordeal by grungegoth
I see. Thanks for the well thought out response! Think I’ll still steer clear of rudder sitting though. :)
GozerDGozerian t1_iybqt7w wrote
Reply to comment by Elcactus in Photo shows 3 stowaways who were rescued from oil tanker's rudder after likely 11-day ordeal by grungegoth
Just bring a piping hot mug of air and some super warm jammy-jams.
GozerDGozerian t1_iybqiob wrote
Reply to comment by NextTrillion in Photo shows 3 stowaways who were rescued from oil tanker's rudder after likely 11-day ordeal by grungegoth
Your for sure drown in the prop wash, right? All that massive turbulent water half mixed with air wouldn’t be something even the best swimmer could stay afloat in I’d imagine.
GozerDGozerian t1_iybq0pq wrote
I wouldn’t have guessed that turkeys could get the bird flu.
GozerDGozerian t1_ixuzz1w wrote
Reply to comment by FletchForPresident in Emperor Charles V's secret code cracked after five centuries | Spain by future_md_dropout
“And my axe!”
GozerDGozerian t1_ixuzs2i wrote
Reply to comment by viper_in_the_grass in Emperor Charles V's secret code cracked after five centuries | Spain by future_md_dropout
> meaningless characters interspersed throughout the text, which acted as red herrings
What a great trick.
GozerDGozerian t1_ixgsp2k wrote
Reply to comment by Deyln in Republicans ask Georgia high court to halt Saturday voting in US Senate runoff | CNN Politics by irkli
Can you explain this a bit more?
GozerDGozerian t1_ix6c9hc wrote
Reply to comment by usafnerdherd in Black-naped pheasant-pigeon sighted in PNG for first time in 140 years by Newgripper1221
Well I hope you like curly fries…
GozerDGozerian t1_ix4xt8q wrote
Reply to comment by usafnerdherd in Black-naped pheasant-pigeon sighted in PNG for first time in 140 years by Newgripper1221
> Psychotropic Nuclear Gerbils
Ok I can play shitty guitar, weird synth, and painfully sorta sing. Anybody else wanna start this band?
GozerDGozerian t1_ix3bgl7 wrote
Reply to comment by apenature in Black-naped pheasant-pigeon sighted in PNG for first time in 140 years by Newgripper1221
Pacific North Guest?
Purified Natural Gas?
Personal Nudity Goggles?
GozerDGozerian t1_ix3bf7c wrote
Reply to comment by Grow_away_420 in Black-naped pheasant-pigeon sighted in PNG for first time in 140 years by Newgripper1221
I dunno. A lot of birds could probably identify way more than 5 plants.
GozerDGozerian t1_ix3b8pe wrote
Reply to comment by puddlejumpers in Black-naped pheasant-pigeon sighted in PNG for first time in 140 years by Newgripper1221
I think it’s because you need to click on it.
GozerDGozerian t1_jcs9crx wrote
Reply to TIL Crush Syndrome happens when the human body experiences severe skeletal muscle trauma under constant pressure for a long time resulting in shock and kidney failure; an example is a human trapped under a building in an earthquake. by ChiggaOG
“Hey there, my name’s GozerDGozerian. Sorry to bother you but I just wanted to warn you that you’re at risk of Rhabdomyelosis… Because I’ve got a HUGE crush on you.”
(This pickup line might work better in the vicinity of a med school or hospital)