
GrandmaPoses t1_iyp62kb wrote

Yeah that was the strangest quote.

“We’ve got this drawing of someone with open arms and the other person doesn’t notice them. Then we have the name Eadburg written repeatedly. I think it’s pretty obvious what’s going on here: Eadburg is writing her own name over and over for some unknown reason.”


GrandmaPoses t1_ix85kc3 wrote

I get what you're saying but you're cherry-picking songs for comparison here. Sugar, Sugar by the Archies came out the year after All Along the Watchtower. It's not like Dylan overturned the entire pop engine; yes he was inspirational and wrote amazing lyrics, but shitty songwriting has and will continue to be popular as well.


GrandmaPoses t1_ivm5bd1 wrote

I had what you had, came on late the weekend before last and lasted for about two days. Tested negative for all the big stuff, still don’t know what it was. It was really strange. Like I didn’t feel super “sick” sick, just incredibly fatigued and then the other same symptoms as you. Wish I knew what it was.


GrandmaPoses t1_ivi24zm wrote

The teen idol formula existed just about from the beginning of rock/pop. In the 50s and 60s Bobby Rydell, Fabian, etc. were young, pretty faces with passable voices (sometimes electronically enhanced) that could sell records. And television just made it easier: a couple of lip synced performances on American Bandstand and the record company was swimming in cash.

The packaging may have gotten slicker over time, but the idea has always been the same.


GrandmaPoses t1_iudlst5 wrote

Stop conflating the removal of statues with removal from history books. This is the conservative line that by removing statues we are “deleting history”. This is a false equivalency. Statues like these are not history lessons, they are celebrations of historical figures. And no, we do not want to celebrate these individuals.


GrandmaPoses t1_iud3gm7 wrote

You’re mistaken that it’s just for the black community. It should be looked at as a correction for the city of Richmond as a whole. In that sense, it’s for the good of the entire community to project that we’re moving away from celebrating the evils of the past or - just as bad - letting these monuments hang around simply because “they’ve always been there” or “what does removing them change?”

Sometimes when you fuck up, it costs money just to get back to zero.


GrandmaPoses t1_iuatb06 wrote

As a kid, I used to lay awake and think

When was Santana gonna make a drink?

But now I'm all grown and my dream came true

Santana champagne, from here to you

From the heart of napa valley and the guitar king

Comes a sparkling wine, to make a blind man sing


GrandmaPoses t1_iu26g4i wrote

Yeah the book is more a critique of modern pop culture than anything but - proving the book’s message - the actual meaning has been buried under the more sensational and easy to digest “they burn books in the future”.


GrandmaPoses t1_itlxjs5 wrote

What’s the crap in today’s schools? The standardized testing the teachers have no say in? The threat and fear of gun violence? Conservatives accusing teachers of “indoctrination” while at the same time attempting to dictate what is and isn’t allowable speech in a classroom? Is it the spending cuts? Is it teachers having to purchase their own supplies on an already low income?


GrandmaPoses t1_isjrfsw wrote

You’re not crazy but also did you not know it was a humid swamp filled with people you have nothing in common with before you moved? That’s like the first thing I think of when I think of Florida.