GraniteGeekNH t1_j8flj77 wrote
Reply to comment by DirtyBirdNJ in Hey Vermonters, stay off the f*cking ice. by zombienutz1
replace "fishing" with "hiking" and your all-caps paragraph has been said about 10,000 times in the White Mountain National Forest subreddit
people don't listen there, either
GraniteGeekNH t1_j8elwbm wrote
Reply to Daytime running lights that illuminate the road, but don't activate the tail lights should be illegal. by Lacksum
I must admit that I assumed running lights did light up the equivalent of running lines in the back.
My excuse: I use my headlights virtually always; never just running lights.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j7md0jz wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in We Need to Do Something About STRs by Commercial_Case_7475
Ask around anyway - it's your only real option for changing things. You can always go to the state senator's office, too.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j7m7ss1 wrote
Talk to your select board and your state representative - they're the ones who can change regulations. Dealing with local goernment and bureaucrats and regulations is a pain in the butt but that's the way to change things.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j72qyxw wrote
tl;dr - Other places create lots of pollution so we shouldn't bother to reduce our pollution because it's difficult and expensive.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j6wxtuk wrote
Reply to comment by Threadbare70 in Anyone else use the top down method for starting your wood stove? by zarnov
what do you do with ashes?
GraniteGeekNH t1_j6t6lmr wrote
Reply to Ice skating near Middlebury. Lake Dunmore? by Footie57
On my local lake I wait for the ice fisherfolk to go out and auger some holes. They mess up the ice but theyre the best certainty around.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j6nl5qj wrote
Reply to comment by loneacer in What to do with unwanted book? by [deleted]
"based on" means exaggerated, changed, tweaked at the writer's whim. it's not a report it's an entertainment, using somebody's pain and horror for entertainment.
You don't need to read it. Try one of the gazillion other books out there waiting for you!
GraniteGeekNH t1_j6hr2b2 wrote
Reply to Fine people of VT please settle a household debate for me: should an opened bottle of maple syrup be stored in the refrigerator or cupboard? by Kashmir79
I kept mine in the cupboard for years without any problem but one year strange yellow stuff grew on the surface, so now we keep it in the fridge. It depends on how quickly you use it up; if it's gone within a couple of months, non-fridge is OK.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j6a82cc wrote
Reply to Portland Press Herald or Bangor Daily? by capt_jazz
It's getting unusual that a state with Maine's population has two sort-of-statewide newspapers of such relatively high quality. Many states are lucky to have one and some really don't have any.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j646uyp wrote
Reply to Solar panels? by No_Web2173
I hope all the people responding are active politically (yeah, I know, yuck - but it's important) to get their state representatives and state senator to create state support of solar.
Much of the NH GOP is anti-renewable for whatever reason, so we need aggressive pro-renewable action from voters. Solar is "local control" so the NH GOP should be in favor of it.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j5tl7lq wrote
Reply to comment by Kenobi_01 in Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie by starrynight179
I thought I had seen all of them but I missed that one.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j5tg51e wrote
Reply to Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie by starrynight179
She had a few klunkers, especially early (The Big Four) and late (Elephants can Remember) in her career, but most of them are cracking good yarns, as they say.
My two favorites: The Mirror Crack'd and Crooked House
GraniteGeekNH t1_j5tcch8 wrote
If nobody responds you can wing it. Monadnock is so heavily hiked that you could just ask people in the parking lot; I wouldn't be at all surprised if you find somebody or some group happy to let you come along. It's a common hike for beginners, so they won't be surprised.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j5pu1cf wrote
Reply to comment by Psychological-Cry221 in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
Part of the improvement is smarter switches. It used to be that if the power went out due to a tree/branch on a line you had to wait for a crew to come out and fix it. Now in many cases, switches automatically reroute power via other lines and you get back on quickly.
My power flickered off for a few seconds at least 10 times, probably more, on Monday. Annoying because it reset the internet router each time, but way better than losing power for hours at a time.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j5p4192 wrote
Reply to comment by SomeSortofDisaster in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
Thanks - I knew I was getting details wrong.
Chasing off the road agent! That isn't messing around.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j5osvm3 wrote
Reply to Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
While penny-pinching utilities who don't want to spend money on maintenance are much of the problem, we residents have to take some of the blame - any time there's tree-trimming around lines people complain bitterly about it.
There was a court case 25+ years ago when a guy - I believe it was one of the founders of Sanders Associates but I might be remembering that wrong - chased away a tree crew with a chainsaw because he didn't want them cutting trees along the road in front of his property.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j5fs7jm wrote
I would say the biggest difference is how quickly you can get to a mid-sized city - a place with a decent hospital and good variety of shopping alternatives. Otherwise the climate / social attitudes / roads, buildings etc. are pretty similar.
Using that measure, there's no state-vs-state difference, but plenty of difference within the rural areas of each state.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j5f2a02 wrote
Reply to comment by beardmat87 in Why Does N.H. Still Require Annual Car Inspections? by snooshoe
Conspiracy theories are fun but you must have never lived in a state without inspections. Sharing the road with a ton of polluting wrecks gets old, fast.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j4rhs2s wrote
Wow, the post has been up 4 minutes already and we haven't had a single response saying "I saw one in <some New England location> - I know what I saw, Fish & Wildlife is denying it because of <some weird conspiracy> and there was that one hit by a car in Connecticut so I must be right!"
Such self-restraint by redditors!
GraniteGeekNH t1_j469yht wrote
Reply to comment by schnager in ive decided Douglas Adam's is not for me by Myron_Bolitar
ah, the old "I like a thing, therefore it requires extra smartness" argument - very persuasive.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j469dqw wrote
HGG was his one-hit wonder, really - definitely don't try the Dirk Gentley detective books, ugh
GraniteGeekNH t1_j468bos wrote
Reply to driving slow and stopping to turn by smokeythemechanic
Perhaps because they regard that as the safe and intelligent way to behave at that particular time and that particular place instead of automatically doing whatever the signs tell them is proper.
GraniteGeekNH t1_j41xs27 wrote
Reply to comment by jjmenace in They say there is a story behind every rule or law… Anyone from the Kidderville area want to chime in on this? by Tchukachinchina
Folks there won't have anything to do with the flatlanders from Lower Kidderville
GraniteGeekNH t1_j8icbzn wrote
Reply to comment by greenmtnfiddler in Hey Vermonters, stay off the f*cking ice. by zombienutz1