Graoutchmeuh t1_irn0v0v wrote
Reply to comment by Surinical in [WP] A vampire has worked at the local 7-11 for the past 5 decades. No one has the heart to call the vampire out or slay them. A little because they're such a good employee, mostly because they think they're doing such a good job hiding the vampirism when they're really not. by Avalon_88
No more dead raccoons is nice, but I'm not sure more dead humans is better.
Graoutchmeuh t1_j29soab wrote
Reply to comment by Zak_The_Slack in [WP] Faster than light travel has been proven impossible, that's why humans are so surprised when aliens turn up. Not as surprised as the aliens on the generational ship who say the planet was void of life when they set off, following a missile they had sent to wipe out the dinosaurs. by Wrooof
Two things :
>Be glad you did meet those who originally left.
Didn't you mean "Be glad you did NOT meet..."?
And the missile the wiped out the dinosaurs fell 65 millions years ago, not 165.