Grapesareveryjuicy t1_j2eowhz wrote
Reply to comment by MiximumPower in Anyone have a dropguys case by [deleted]
Actually I looked at an article ranking cases and then looked at the website. Dropguys was at the top of the article, but now Im wondering if the article was on dropguys website or something because I can no longer find it.
Either way, it was a stupid purchase. I should have looked at other articles before committing to an expensive case. At least Ill have applecare if anything happens. Im pretty prone to dropping my phone so Ill probably just use the otterbox unless the dropguys case actually seems substantial
Grapesareveryjuicy t1_j2eojm6 wrote
Reply to comment by Lack0fCommunication in Anyone have a dropguys case by [deleted]
Yeah worst case I lose 50 bucks. Which sucks but I spent 75 bucks on a vet visit for my cat who was so aggressive the vet couldnt do anything and I have to go back.
So point is, while I will try to get the money back if the case sucks- money is wasted all the time. Ill just have to see how the case is.
Its also annoying though because it was supposed to come in 4 days and I ordered it last monday and now its apparently not supposed to come until the 3rd. Which IS NOT 4 days. Now I have to worry all week until the case finally comes.
Grapesareveryjuicy t1_j2enrw8 wrote
Reply to comment by MiximumPower in Anyone have a dropguys case by [deleted]
I spent 50 bucks not 75, but yeah. At least it came with a screen protector. Not much of a comfort though
Grapesareveryjuicy t1_j2eps53 wrote
Reply to comment by MiximumPower in Anyone have a dropguys case by [deleted]
I will if I dont like it.