Grass8989 t1_j1ryppw wrote
Reply to comment by iv2892 in NYC shootings and murders down: Mayor Adams by Darrkman
The governor has also been using state funds to pay overtime to have more cops in the subway system since the election so.
Edit: Downvoting facts lol.
Grass8989 t1_j1rydxl wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in NYC shootings and murders down: Mayor Adams by Darrkman
Yep, she went with what actual NYers want and not what the very loud “activists” and fringe groups want.
Grass8989 t1_j1ry0b4 wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in NYC shootings and murders down: Mayor Adams by Darrkman
85% of NYers support more police on the subway, despite what the very loud fringe groups seem to think is what people want.
Grass8989 t1_j1rxnlv wrote
Reply to NYC shootings and murders down: Mayor Adams by Darrkman
Every other major crime besides shootings are up pretty significantly year over year.
For anyone keeping track, felony assaults are back at about the year 2000 levels. We are back to pre 9/11 felony assault rates. Definitely something to be proud of as someone who was born and raised here!
Grand larceny’s are also at pre 9/11 levels.
Grass8989 t1_j1b384n wrote
Reply to comment by reignnyday in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
The Reddit “holier than thou” crowd is displaced from reality.
Grass8989 t1_j1b0tnw wrote
Reply to comment by ChrisFromLongIsland in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
People already treat ambulances like taxis, too late. Ask anyone that works in an ER or any EMS worker.
My point is it’s not exclusively “rich” people that get perceived special treatment.
Grass8989 t1_j1ar5hb wrote
A “pro-tip” for anyone concerned with preferential treatment in the ER. Take an ambulance, regardless of your symptoms, the priory is to get the EMS crew back on the street and you’ll be given a spot quicker than someone in the waiting room who has the same symptoms as you.
Grass8989 t1_j1apwb6 wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
Realistically, nothings going to change. Anyone who’s worked in a hospital knows about “board members” and “trustees”.
Grass8989 t1_j1ajezv wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
How many lives do you think the $300 million he donated saved? How many underprivileged people were able to go to NYU medical school tuition free Due to his donations? It’s okay if he gets a private room and skips a couple of equal acuity cases in the ct scan line.
Grass8989 t1_j1ai4oi wrote
Reply to comment by veggie_bail in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
Where in this article does it say that someone died because a VIP was in a private room?
Grass8989 t1_j1ahdp4 wrote
Reply to comment by SolitaryMarmot in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
Except that doesn’t happen.
Grass8989 t1_j19zcs6 wrote
Reply to comment by bsanchey in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
Yea, that doesn’t happen. You’ve clearly never worked in an ER.
Grass8989 t1_j19smk6 wrote
Reply to comment by SolitaryMarmot in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
It’s literally law, you cannot turned away from an ER for any reason. You should look into EMTALA. You’ve also clearly never worked in healthcare.
Grass8989 t1_j19sesf wrote
Reply to comment by Swimmingindiamonds in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
Meant to put AFTER.
Grass8989 t1_j19pccq wrote
Reply to comment by SolitaryMarmot in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
Hospital ERs aren’t allowed to turn patients away for any reason, including insurance type and ability to pay.
Grass8989 t1_j19of20 wrote
Reply to comment by Hrekires in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
You’re not, and it does happen everywhere. Same for employees of the hospital. If you work there and you’re waiting for a cat scan and you know the tech you just call them and tell them you’re a patient and you’ll be next AFTER someone who is actively dying/having a stroke. This really isn’t news.
Grass8989 t1_j19nyxp wrote
Reply to comment by nationalmoz in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
I second Zocdoc. I’ve gotten appts with specialists the next day.
Grass8989 t1_j19nurz wrote
Reply to comment by eschatonycurtis in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
You should run for office!
Grass8989 t1_j19nrb9 wrote
Reply to comment by LouisSeize in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
Yea, I think it’s reasonable that he can cut the line of the skell who’s there because they have toe pain for 3 months.
Grass8989 t1_j19nl4f wrote
Reply to comment by veggie_bail in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
Everyone gets triaged and everything is documented electronically. If someone was on deaths door and it was documented as such and the hospital got sued/audited it would be a major issue.
Grass8989 t1_j19ncxj wrote
This is nothing new, every hospital that has a board of trustees and donors do the same thing. Regardless every patients gets triaged, and if they’re truly critical they’ll get seen just as quick. Maybe not in a “special room” but that’s not really important when you’re dying.
Grass8989 t1_j10fgi7 wrote
Reply to comment by R1cky_Spanish in Over Half of NYC’s Food Stamp Applicants Left Waiting as Staffing Shortage Deepens by Lilyo
Unironically, there are tons of city jobs open that can lift people out of poverty and have less of a reliance on government assistance.
Grass8989 t1_j0ysul9 wrote
Reply to comment by Status_Fox_1474 in Adams warns migrant flood will impact NYC’s safety and ‘basic services’ by NYY657545
Irrelevant to NYC tax payers supporting migrants.
Grass8989 t1_j0wlzdv wrote
Reply to comment by Byron_Thomas in Two migrant buses arrived in New York City on Sunday and up to 15 more are expected in the next few days by Fit_Pangolin_8271
Go to any other first would country and proclaim that and see if they welcome you in and provide significant social services just because “no human is illegal”
Grass8989 t1_j1sj94t wrote
Reply to comment by SmashRadish in Speed cameras often nab vehicle owned by NYC council’s transportation chairperson: Report by mowotlarx
The world*