
Grass8989 t1_j6xnj18 wrote

OP is fear mongering and assuming people aren’t actually reading the article.

“In recent years, district attorneys have moved to vacate many more criminal cases going back dozens of years which have led to an increase in the number of reverse conviction suits and related payouts,” said Nick Paolucci, a spokesman for the city’s law department.”

This explains the high payouts this year.

Then claiming the cops are going to “riot” with even the mildest reform, citing something from 30 years ago, when we HAVE had many instances of mild reform in the past decade or so (body cameras, discovery law changes, bans on chokeholds, and the list goes on), and that was not the case.


Grass8989 t1_j6xkyuz wrote

Stop fearing mongering. Did the cops “riot” when they got body cams, bans on chokeholds, new discovery laws, ending stop and frisk?

You look ridiculous making this claim.

How about someone actually makes a valid argument of the “riots” that occured after these mild reforms instead of downvoting.


Grass8989 t1_j6ltaxp wrote

How about a Micromobility megathread or a George Santos Megathread?

I’d imagine the migrant threads are giving you guys a lot of grief so perhaps a migrant crisis megathread.

Any discussions on further expanding the megathread experiment?

This seems to be a case of “the mods didn’t get the response they were hoping for so let’s have a redo until we do”