
Grass8989 t1_j9vfo4s wrote

It’s even more unrealistic than I thought. Trying to dig a tunnel through the densest part of Brooklyn would displace many people as well a ruin their quality of life for decades. Not to mention has the feasibility of this been studied with subway tunnels also being in those areas?


Grass8989 t1_j9u03oh wrote

“One area the city will continue to spend is on schools, after a law signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul last year mandating fewer kids per classroom across the five boroughs will boost Department of Education spending by at least $1.3 billion annually, according to DiNapoli.

The state’s class reduction goal will also require the DOE to hire 7,000 extra teachers, despite staffing shortages and lower student enrollment numbers.”

But reddit told me that the DoE was “defunded”.


Grass8989 t1_j9oezpq wrote

Yup, correct. Ask any EMS worker how many of their 911 transports are truly emergencies. People treat ambulances like taxis, and it’s the people who do the right thing that eat the cost. Granted, most of the “frequent flyers” have Medicaid (they pay nothing regardless) so this may be a way for the city to try to get Medicaid reimbursements up from these people.