Grass8989 t1_iyl4o0d wrote
Reply to comment by bustedbuddha in Morgan Stanley finally lures bankers back to the office 5 days a week by smallint
Theses costs are already factored in. Clearly they feel like the costs outweigh any downside, since they want their workers back in the office.
Grass8989 t1_iykvxul wrote
Reply to comment by bustedbuddha in Morgan Stanley finally lures bankers back to the office 5 days a week by smallint
With the job market softening, that may not be the case going forward.
Grass8989 t1_iykvubr wrote
Reply to comment by bustedbuddha in Morgan Stanley finally lures bankers back to the office 5 days a week by smallint
Their office space leases are usually negotiated for decades, so there is mostly likely no increase in spending there.
Grass8989 t1_iyk8gvc wrote
Reply to comment by Apart-Bad-5446 in New York and Singapore top the list of world’s most expensive cities in 2022 by Elandtrical
All facts.
Grass8989 t1_iyjnto2 wrote
Reply to comment by Evening_Presence_927 in New York and Singapore top the list of world’s most expensive cities in 2022 by Elandtrical
No one said he is. There are many politicians in this city with influence that are tho. Poor and low income PoC voted for Adams in the mayoral primary overwhelmingly btw, not sure what point you’re making.
Grass8989 t1_iyjdz67 wrote
Reply to comment by GOT_IT_FOR_THE_LO_LO in New York and Singapore top the list of world’s most expensive cities in 2022 by Elandtrical
Good to know! Sounds wonderful tbh.
Grass8989 t1_iyj8gaj wrote
Reply to comment by GOT_IT_FOR_THE_LO_LO in New York and Singapore top the list of world’s most expensive cities in 2022 by Elandtrical
What about the cleanliness, harassment, etc that occurs here. How prevalent is that in Singapore?
Grass8989 t1_iyiyhdb wrote
Reply to New York and Singapore top the list of world’s most expensive cities in 2022 by Elandtrical
I wonder what the state of Singapore’s subway system is in comparison to ours.
Grass8989 t1_iyiy6rq wrote
Reply to comment by ardvarkforce in New York and Singapore top the list of world’s most expensive cities in 2022 by Elandtrical
That’s what happens when our elected officials listen to the bleeding hearts who make excuses for quality of life crimes.
Grass8989 t1_iyd5ni2 wrote
Reply to comment by DisneyLegalTeam in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
We shouldn’t allow posts about alleged misconduct by cops or city employees either because that’s pushing a “narrative”, as well then.
Grass8989 t1_iyaln3k wrote
Reply to comment by TheNormalAlternative in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
Agreed, it’s a slippery slope and needs to enforced across the board or not at all. There’s clear bias if that’s not how it’s handled.
Grass8989 t1_iyajmqp wrote
Reply to comment by drpvn in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
This is probably the most reasonable argument for not banning crime posts.
Grass8989 t1_iyaj7ob wrote
Reply to comment by MillennialNightmare in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
He “Barely won the primary”. Yet low income PoC overwhelmingly voted for him and pushed him over the edge. The same communities that people on here pretend to champion for and claim “aren’t concerned about crime” and vehemently hate the police.
Grass8989 t1_iy9snmq wrote
Reply to comment by elizabeth-cooper in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
Just like we have r/Micromobilitynyc , everyone concerned about issues related to micromobility should only discuss it there. Yet that sub is consistently cross-posted here
Grass8989 t1_iy9c6vb wrote
If this is going to continue, there needs to be clear cut rules on what can be delegated to here. For example, this post was delegated to the crime thread by one mod, which really made no sense as it wasn’t an article about a specific crime, and was later allowed by another mod to be approved and posted.
I see the mod who locked that thread also deleted their post sooo.
Grass8989 t1_iy9awin wrote
Reply to comment by drpvn in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
Apparently cars blocking bike lanes are pretty serious crimes since those posts are consistently allowed.
Grass8989 t1_ixyvjkt wrote
Reply to comment by RolandDeepson in MTA Open Stroller Pilot Program by Sherbet_Lemon_913
Not to mention you’re going to be hard pressed to find people wanting to drive local busses on the overnight shift regardless of the shortage.
Grass8989 t1_ixxc4a7 wrote
Reply to comment by 1600hazenstreet in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
Looking for the “WhY aRe ThErE sO mAnY cOpS fOr OnE pErSoN” crowd.
Grass8989 t1_ixwrvp9 wrote
Reply to comment by BiblioPhil in What to Know Now That the N.Y.P.D. Is on Amazon’s Neighborhood Watch App by k1lk1
He literally ran on a “tougher on crime” platform. That was a major part of his message and campaign, so much so that most on this sub labels him a Republican.
Grass8989 t1_ixwblaf wrote
Reply to comment by BiblioPhil in What to Know Now That the N.Y.P.D. Is on Amazon’s Neighborhood Watch App by k1lk1
The communities don’t hate the police, or else they wouldn’t have voted for Eric Adams, a cop, in the Democratic Mayoral primary.
Grass8989 t1_ixwa9yj wrote
Reply to comment by bulletproofmanners in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
Grass8989 t1_ixwa38q wrote
Reply to comment by bulletproofmanners in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
It’s okay the mods changed course and it was allowed now.
Grass8989 t1_ixvxfyv wrote
Reply to comment by Candid_Yam_5461 in MTA Open Stroller Pilot Program by Sherbet_Lemon_913
You need operators for those busses tho.
Grass8989 t1_ixuijbl wrote
Reply to comment by EdgeOrnery6679 in MTA giving out flawed surveys by ParadoxFoxV9
Many of them burn bridges with their families/friends, it’s sad but it usually starts with addiction, which leads to homelessness. These aren’t people who were dutiful members of society who suddenly lost their job and are now getting high and harassing people on the subway for money.
Grass8989 t1_iyohug1 wrote
Reply to What forced hospitalization feels like in New York City, as Mayor Adams pushes for more by psychothumbs
ER staff are assaulted by EDPs/mentally ill individuals daily, and hospital administrators dissuade them from filing charges (not that the cases would go anywhere in most situations anyway). It’s not easy to find people to work in these environments and maintain an unlimited level of compassion for everyone.