
Grass8989 t1_j6ltaxp wrote

How about a Micromobility megathread or a George Santos Megathread?

I’d imagine the migrant threads are giving you guys a lot of grief so perhaps a migrant crisis megathread.

Any discussions on further expanding the megathread experiment?

This seems to be a case of “the mods didn’t get the response they were hoping for so let’s have a redo until we do”


Grass8989 t1_j63us4z wrote

“Jordan, a Democratic Socialist who describes herself on her Council website as “a third-generation Harlemite who has known Harlem since she was four months old,” did not make herself available for an interview. However, on Instagram, she addressed the controversy, writing, “you cannot build a truck stop” and “we want ACTUALLY affordable and low income housing,” while promoting a Jan. 28 rally at what she called “the scene of the crime truck stop.”.”

Aka: “Hey! Even though I openly advocated against 939 new housing units, and it’s perfectly legal to build this truck depot, you can’t do that”


Grass8989 t1_j6176a0 wrote

Actually emergency Medicaid covers an unlimited amount of ER visits and due to EMTALA, no one can be turned away for any reason. No I’m not going to deny someone medical care, but this is clearly not sustainable long term. Thanks for the crass language, and assuming everyone who doesn’t think we should have completely open borders and take in the worlds poor is a Trump supporter tho, real critical thinking skills.

You do realize all of the major hospital systems in this city have a charity care system which allows people with little to no income to see primary care doctors and specialists for essentially free as well right?