Grass8989 t1_jat9ksn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
If you work the midnight shift from southern Staten Island it would take probably close to 3 hours to get to northern Brooklyn by public transportation. It’s like a 45-50 min car ride at that time of night.
Grass8989 t1_jat3bqq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
Still would add hours to a commute of someone living in southern Staten Island, eastern Brooklyn or eastern queens. They could also just reinstate the lane and things would be fine.
Grass8989 t1_jasu61o wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
People that commute from Staten Island, parts of queens and Brooklyn would literally have to add hours to their commute.
Grass8989 t1_jas9mdl wrote
Reply to comment by LiterallyBismarck in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
Not everyone is on the BQE for the same amount of time. Before this bottleneck traffic was significantly better. It would improve traffic flow, period.
Grass8989 t1_jarbxly wrote
Reply to comment by dytele in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
Yea the traffic on local streets in that area have been insane since they reduced the lanes. I’m surprised the people who live in that area haven’t complained or maybe a bigger deal out of it.
Grass8989 t1_japslze wrote
Reply to comment by ThreeLittlePuigs in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
Indeed, not sure why they’re dragging their feet repairing it.
Grass8989 t1_japqet8 wrote
Reply to comment by ThreeLittlePuigs in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
I doubt it’s making a noticeable difference, like you said, 18 wheelers are just sitting in stop and go traffic on the cantilever section way more than they did when it was 3 lanes. Atleast they used to only be on it for a brief period of time (barring any accident of construction).
Grass8989 t1_japq7mi wrote
Reply to comment by webswinger666 in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
This is true, but it used to be fairly clear after 7 or 8pm, now theres always some sort of traffic in the reduced lane section, regardless of the time of day/night.
Grass8989 t1_japllu7 wrote
Reply to comment by signal_tower_product in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
Again, this isn’t adding lanes, it’s reinstating a lane that already exists and was lessened to 2 lanes for a small portion of the BQE which creates a bottleneck at all times of the day.
Grass8989 t1_japh7oe wrote
Reply to comment by mowotlarx in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
This isn’t increasing lanes, it’s reinstating a lane that was/is already there and was reduced to two lanes.
Grass8989 t1_japfjiq wrote
Lol at a news source starting with the word “SHOCKER”.
Also, anyone who has driven on the BQE knows that the lane reduction at the triple cantilever section has led to more idling vehicles and stop and go traffic which has an adverse effect on these communities. The BQE is a major artery for commercial traffic for the city, it’s not going anywhere, and a permanent reduction in lanes will not solve any issues besides advocates “checking” a box.
Grass8989 t1_japchgq wrote
Ban the people cosplaying as “Lance Armstrong Jrs” who think they own the park.
Grass8989 t1_janaodi wrote
Reply to comment by PauI_MuadDib in New York Will Pay Millions to Protesters Violently Corralled by Police by mowotlarx
Almost none of those professions pay for liability insurance out of their own pocket.
Grass8989 t1_jajisut wrote
Reply to comment by GlitteringHighway in New York Will Pay Millions to Protesters Violently Corralled by Police by mowotlarx
Just having a rational take on this, unlike most people. The city would very obviously be footing the bill if this ever became a thing
Grass8989 t1_jajau1e wrote
Reply to comment by GlitteringHighway in New York Will Pay Millions to Protesters Violently Corralled by Police by mowotlarx
If you think a police officer making 45k a year is going to need to take out “malpractice insurance” and is going to pay out of their own pocket I have a bridge to sell you.
Grass8989 t1_jahrew4 wrote
Reply to comment by MysteriousHedgehog23 in Pols target NYC’s violent, repeat shoplifters with bill to protect retailer workers just like cops, firefighters by NYY657545
Yes, because one business claiming this is not representative of all businesses and they also didn’t do a breakdown of NYC specifically. Also, large corporations are able to eat shoplifting costs, unlike small mom and pop businesses.
Grass8989 t1_jaeu9a2 wrote
Never forget de Blasios “EMS work is different work” quote.
Grass8989 t1_jad2nsr wrote
Reply to comment by vowelqueue in DOT misspells Jackie Robinson’s name on Jackie Robinson Parkway by KatzDeli
Grass8989 t1_jad1soe wrote
Reply to comment by Workaphobia in Feds not coming to MTA’s rescue under GOP House, Schumer says by newzee1
The LIRR is not representative of the NYC subway system.
Grass8989 t1_jaabwy3 wrote
Reply to comment by 1600hazenstreet in Feds not coming to MTA’s rescue under GOP House, Schumer says by newzee1
Yup, just going to continue to push more people to use cars. The current level of service probably isn’t sustainable with the 60-70% ridership that’s been going on since the pandemic.
Grass8989 t1_jaa43me wrote
Can’t wait for the service cuts and increase in fare.
Grass8989 t1_ja9ui0h wrote
Reply to What’s the best place to take your significant other for a romantic dinner? No staten island please. by Narrow-Cupcake-1057
Anywhere that has outdoor seating in a shed, particularly on a night like tonight.
Grass8989 OP t1_ja9to3n wrote
Reply to comment by sanjsrik in FDNY, Sheriff's Office inspection reveals hundreds of battery charging, storage violations at shops by Grass8989
Grass8989 t1_jatcisl wrote
Reply to comment by Pennwisedom in Can Central Park’s Drives Become More Peaceful? - NY Times by mtf612
They don’t and aren’t understanding of that tho. They’ll literally scream at and berate you.