
GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j0x646m wrote

Try wearing camo. Spray some landlord urine on yourself too. They have a good sense of smell. Not very smart though. If you camouflage well they don't stand a chance.


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j0idwa0 wrote

Interesting math, but I'm talking about 10 million, not 40 million. Why on earth would it cost 400,000 per year per person? Thats a very luxurious number. How about 30k per person per year. Now will it be as nice as the ritz? No, absolutely not. All you need is heat, lights, food, water, and psych meds. Now we can house 333 mentally ill people for 1/5 of the police budget. Don't tell me its not possible. Plenty of people in the US live on 30k or less per year. The problem is people like you are ok will calculating a massive amount of theft into the equation. Remove the theft and everything gets incredibly affordable. As for rehabs? Pass a law that requires any rehab operating in NH to take in homeless addicts for free. These are for profit buisnesses that make ludicrous amounts of money. They'll be able to take the hit.


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j0hlr3j wrote

We already have rehabs, don't we? If that fails, there's always prison. I don't have much sympathy for addicts. I've been one. It's a choice. In Manchester NH the police budget was 50 million this year. I bet the police would do just fine with 40 million. They have a 'use it or lose it' attitude that creates wasteful spending.


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_j0gbjk9 wrote

Put them to work. There's plenty of roads that need fixing in Manchester. Make a program where anyone who works full time gets a place to stay for 1/3 of their income. Remove zoning laws that allow for wasted space in suburban areas. Require special permits to build any type of luxury housing. Make contractors build 10 affordable housing units to get a permit for one luxury unit. As for those who are too mentally ill to work... put them in an insane asylum. They worked great before Regan closed them. We have plenty of mill space around here that could be repurposed.