GreenTunicKirk t1_j5zyki3 wrote
Reply to comment by Mindless-Budget9019 in Amy DeGise must go, but how? | Jersey Journal editorial by rapmasternicky_z
That word does not mean what you think it means
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4rjx07 wrote
Reply to comment by mastershake29x in This person, who blocks the entire crosswalk and handicap ramp a few blocks from a school 🙄 by GreenTunicKirk
Agreed, enforcement needs to happen or the “rules” mean nothing
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4rjiyn wrote
Reply to comment by thirstyquaker in This person, who blocks the entire crosswalk and handicap ramp a few blocks from a school 🙄 by GreenTunicKirk
Oh I need these ….
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4r10i5 wrote
Reply to comment by imaluckyduckie in This person, who blocks the entire crosswalk and handicap ramp a few blocks from a school 🙄 by GreenTunicKirk
Cheers mate, downloaded
Edit: ooof these reviews ain’t good lol
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4r0zgh wrote
Reply to comment by Organic-Hovercraft-3 in This person, who blocks the entire crosswalk and handicap ramp a few blocks from a school 🙄 by GreenTunicKirk
Well not in the classic Lovecraftian manner
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qw6r4 wrote
Reply to comment by imaluckyduckie in This person, who blocks the entire crosswalk and handicap ramp a few blocks from a school 🙄 by GreenTunicKirk
What is the WOTS app?
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qt8ks wrote
Reply to comment by scubastefon in This person, who blocks the entire crosswalk and handicap ramp a few blocks from a school 🙄 by GreenTunicKirk
Because little kids having to dodge a car while there is regular morning and truck route traffic going, while people are pushing their strollers and wheelchairs, isn’t too cool man.
Being parked there also reduces visibility for folks in the vehicles looking to turn.
That’s why it matters. The people that need to use the crosswalk very much need it. This person decided that their shitty Honda was more important than people’s means of egress.
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qsnq0 wrote
Reply to comment by doglywolf in This person, who blocks the entire crosswalk and handicap ramp a few blocks from a school 🙄 by GreenTunicKirk
Oh dude totally. I completely get it. But yeah, get up and move your car ASAP
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qseks wrote
Reply to comment by ceeyell in This person, who blocks the entire crosswalk and handicap ramp a few blocks from a school 🙄 by GreenTunicKirk
YESSSSS I commute out of JSQ too and see it ALL THE TIME and it’s like … why?
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qdw6f wrote
Reply to comment by Moose459 in This person, who blocks the entire crosswalk and handicap ramp a few blocks from a school 🙄 by GreenTunicKirk
Stripped of everything internal, drained of fluids. Towed into the Passaic River to eventually become part of the artificial reef.
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qds2w wrote
Reply to comment by robin_tern in This person, who blocks the entire crosswalk and handicap ramp a few blocks from a school 🙄 by GreenTunicKirk
Great question!
GreenTunicKirk t1_j41825a wrote
Reply to comment by tommytm76 in Anyone know what this building will be(Lincoln Park)? by tommytm76
Its not going to be a country club don't know what that guy is saying
GreenTunicKirk t1_j417vo1 wrote
Reply to comment by mikevago in Anyone know what this building will be(Lincoln Park)? by tommytm76
The roof deck will be a part of the event space available to rent. I'm looking forward to it opening!
GreenTunicKirk t1_j417pxw wrote
Reply to Car damaged! Lack of management from Property owners. More info in comments by Ill_Significance9716
Am I crazy? I would never park directly on a drainage system.
OP, ya done goofed and I'm not sure you have a ton of recourse. Take tons of photos, pull up all your documents, and go to your property manager and start the conversation. Or, call your insurance company and ask them these questions. You don't have to "file a claim" in order to get the answers. They can advise you on what the right option might be. If the damage to the vehicle is more than your deductible, then yes it's absolutely worth getting them involved.
GreenTunicKirk t1_j1fw1be wrote
Reply to comment by studiocistern in It’s a Christmas miracle… Landlord lowered our rent unexpectedly..? by ScuttleCrab729
It is the season of ghosts visiting
GreenTunicKirk t1_j14rzyi wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzleheaded_Okra_21 in New York State official climate plan calls for Right to Repair by fanopticon
Okay, yes, but you do understand that this is only PART of the discussion, right?
GreenTunicKirk t1_j0wny7s wrote
Reply to comment by edwinblanco201 in Have you checked out all the new stuff at the Jersey City Free Public Library? by edwinblanco201
Can I be hired as a plant?
I enjoy drinking water and sitting by a window in the sun. Preferably reading, which is something I understand libraries excel in?
GreenTunicKirk t1_iyzw1h2 wrote
Reply to comment by objectimpermanence in This huge tower in Laurel Hill Park overlooking the Meadowlands is shaping up! by JCwhatimsayin
I dunno man I’m just wondering aloud here? Plenty of buildings in the area but the larger ones on meadowlands parkway all look pretty dingy so a glass building doesn’t seem like it would be good, ya know?
GreenTunicKirk t1_iywmaiy wrote
Reply to This huge tower in Laurel Hill Park overlooking the Meadowlands is shaping up! by JCwhatimsayin
I wonder what that building is gonna look like in 20 years being as it’s right in the middle of the swamp
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_iyl0hci wrote
Reply to comment by cbps in Did anyone lose a bird? 50 23rd St between 5th/6th Noticed the little guy hanging out in the middle of a sidewalk. Moved him to a little patch with a tree. by GreenTunicKirk
Oh no, I’m not able to. I had to catch the PATH and wasn’t sure if I should take the little guy with me. I made sure he was set up next to a little patch for some coverage if he needed it - but now I feel awful!!!
Folks if you see this and can help, please do it 🙏
GreenTunicKirk t1_iyjs99s wrote
Reply to comment by ManLindsay in Captain of 78th Precinct Defends Arrest of Famed Bike Lawyer For Fixing Defaced Plate by LonelyGuyTheme
Its unbelievable to me that he was elected. He was openly hostile to the press and his own constiuents during the campaign. The trend of politicians being the worst possible people we can put into office is really upsetting, but I thought NYC was smarter, collectively.
Just another fire burning during the Last Days of Rome.
GreenTunicKirk t1_ixe92m8 wrote
Reply to New report reveals that New York has the 3rd best mobile network speed and coverage in the nation in study comparing download/upload speeds, latency, and total coverage area across 100 US cities by LithiumLawson
Another great win for those of us in Jersey City! Add that little factoid to your tinder bios and you're sure to find a soulmate!
GreenTunicKirk t1_iut2sci wrote
Reply to comment by bklokis in PSA: Employee at The Ashford stealing credit cards by gamerdudeNYC
21 year olds
GreenTunicKirk t1_iut2cco wrote
Reply to comment by haiduz in PSA: Employee at The Ashford stealing credit cards by gamerdudeNYC
Grove St Station on the corner?
I find their (ashford) food to be … edible. It’s all geared to be plated and look good in pics - specifically, the Instagram crowd. Honestly it’s a clever business model to focus more on attracting clientele obsessed with how they appear on social rather than provide good food.
The large venue is cool, and the drafts are fine. But honestly it’s an overwrought club/restaurant trying to be a destination and it lacks any authenticity to it. It belongs in Florida, not Jersey.
And I don’t even hate it.
GreenTunicKirk t1_j600l2w wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in Amy DeGise must go, but how? | Jersey Journal editorial by rapmasternicky_z