
GreenTunicKirk OP t1_j4qt8ks wrote

Because little kids having to dodge a car while there is regular morning and truck route traffic going, while people are pushing their strollers and wheelchairs, isn’t too cool man.

Being parked there also reduces visibility for folks in the vehicles looking to turn.

That’s why it matters. The people that need to use the crosswalk very much need it. This person decided that their shitty Honda was more important than people’s means of egress.


GreenTunicKirk t1_j417pxw wrote

Am I crazy? I would never park directly on a drainage system.

OP, ya done goofed and I'm not sure you have a ton of recourse. Take tons of photos, pull up all your documents, and go to your property manager and start the conversation. Or, call your insurance company and ask them these questions. You don't have to "file a claim" in order to get the answers. They can advise you on what the right option might be. If the damage to the vehicle is more than your deductible, then yes it's absolutely worth getting them involved.


GreenTunicKirk OP t1_iyl0hci wrote

Oh no, I’m not able to. I had to catch the PATH and wasn’t sure if I should take the little guy with me. I made sure he was set up next to a little patch for some coverage if he needed it - but now I feel awful!!!

Folks if you see this and can help, please do it 🙏


GreenTunicKirk t1_iyjs99s wrote

Its unbelievable to me that he was elected. He was openly hostile to the press and his own constiuents during the campaign. The trend of politicians being the worst possible people we can put into office is really upsetting, but I thought NYC was smarter, collectively.

Just another fire burning during the Last Days of Rome.


GreenTunicKirk t1_iut2cco wrote

Grove St Station on the corner?

I find their (ashford) food to be … edible. It’s all geared to be plated and look good in pics - specifically, the Instagram crowd. Honestly it’s a clever business model to focus more on attracting clientele obsessed with how they appear on social rather than provide good food.

The large venue is cool, and the drafts are fine. But honestly it’s an overwrought club/restaurant trying to be a destination and it lacks any authenticity to it. It belongs in Florida, not Jersey.

And I don’t even hate it.