
GreenTunicKirk t1_iut2cco wrote

Grove St Station on the corner?

I find their (ashford) food to be … edible. It’s all geared to be plated and look good in pics - specifically, the Instagram crowd. Honestly it’s a clever business model to focus more on attracting clientele obsessed with how they appear on social rather than provide good food.

The large venue is cool, and the drafts are fine. But honestly it’s an overwrought club/restaurant trying to be a destination and it lacks any authenticity to it. It belongs in Florida, not Jersey.

And I don’t even hate it.


GreenTunicKirk t1_itz5ltk wrote

Fuck Blackrock.

I did a gig there years back on one of the event floors. During a break, I poured myself a cup of coffee and grabbed a cookie from the food station. As I went back to start playing again, one of the suits rattled me for “taking what wasn’t mine”

So you can ask me to entertain you but not let me have a pitiful cup of drip coffee and a dumb little cookie? Fuck outta here.

Fuck Blackrock for a lot of reasons but that’s a personal story.