
GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8neefu wrote

I think housing is a problem everywhere. I also think the author focuses on the Burlington area appears to hope you won’t bother following the links in their story.

For instance: “That’s why Vermont now was the most expensive in-state college tuition of all 50 states, at more than $30,000 per year.” has a link in the middle of the sentence. Follow the link and the top of the page says: “Vermont has the highest average yearly in-state tuition of $17,083 at public institutions.” Scroll to Vermont section of that page and you get “The total cost of attendance at an average public 4-year institution is $29,665 for in-state students.”

I followed the one link chosen at random and it showed the author was in error about the numbers. That says the rest of the data in the article is suspect which means their conclusions are, at best, based in bad data. I also think they drifted all over the place rather than making a case about housing.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8l5cgq wrote

No idea what they plan to do. The 3 they bought in my neighborhood are still empty. We’re expecting the CLA to drop next year since it will finally drop beyond the range of that company’s weird offers, so maybe regional property values will start dropping then.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8l1zph wrote

The entire country is in housing crisis. Until companies (who spent billions overpaying for properties in 2019-2020) start off loading these properties at a loss for a tax dodge, the value of homes will stay high. Thanks to the Trump tax cuts, corporations aren’t looking for extensive tax dodges as simple stuff already puts them in a advantageous position.

An internet company offered every home owner around us almost 60% above market value for our homes. 3 people accepted and moved. Their acceptance raised the value of our homes even though there were not major improvements to justify those costs. Until those houses sell at a loss, or are abandoned, or legislation changes current laws, we have to wait for an 80% devaluation of market value to be reassessed.

In short, capitalism boned us and doesn’t look to be reaching around anytime soon.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8k7yhe wrote

Certifications certainly count. Presumably some one taught you your job via on the job training. All that is educational. Perhaps not a formal classroom education, but still. Some colleges and universities even give life experience credits for things learned outside a formal classroom. It’s all education. Point being there are several official english dictionary definitions for “education”, but only one specifically points out schools and even then it uses the modifier “especially” but not “only at”


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8jk33u wrote

What context did you mean when you explicitly and clearly said >Your “solution” fails to acknowledge we’re all dependent on the “uneducated” and “bad” jobs you’re implicitly shitting on

What uneducated job are you referring to beyond the garbage collector you mentioned?


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8ji6p9 wrote

You know… It’s an odd person who sees education as something that can only be gained in a college degree. Gotta wonder where the licensed electrician learned their craft. I suppose the carpenters in your area just fumble around till the house stops falling over. Impossible to “learn” a job huh…. Even the fella who empties your trash received an education on how to do it. But sure, MBAs…


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8jgosb wrote

Hate to tell ya bud, the entire united states is complaining about the housing market being out if range of all but the wealthy.

Vermont is the only state in the union to maintain the same economy throughout the pandemic. 6.24% combined state and local sales tax isn’t bad either. If you are viewing it through the lens of NH, it seems bad, but it’s among the lowest in the US. Something like only 4 other states are lower. Income tax is smack dab in the middle of all states. VT population change from 2020 to today is…. wait for it… 0%.

You want to strike. Have at it. You’ll be striking against capitalism. Good luck! Likewise have at refusing services to government contracts. VT Law alumni can’t wait.

Electoral College… 1/2 of Vermonters don’t get off their ass to vote, so they’ll probably fully support abdicating blame to others.

By all means, point out which state representatives were anywhere near the two year residency requirement.

Here’s a crazy thought: if you don’t like what some elected official is getting up to, dig into the municipal charter for the appropriate city and find out what it takes to boot them. Then run for the office and do something other than bitch on reddit


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8huem4 wrote

I can’t see any of my neighbors houses from mine or from the road. If I come home and notice someone breaking into their house, first thing I’m gonna do is wonder why I didn’t notice I’m not at my house… Oh wait, am I the burglar everyone else is noticing? This is some existential stuff man. Why do I gotta be breaking into peoples homes? 1, I already got too much crap. 2, I’m lazy as fuck and that sounds like a lot of work.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j8ackj9 wrote

There are only two record lows in January in the last 10 years, 20F set on 08Jan15 and -15F on 31Jan21.

There is only are four record highs in the last 10 years, 46F on 10Jan16 and. 60F on 11Jan20, 53F on 12Jan17, 49F on 30Jan13.

Remember, Ground Hog day. Tradition would indicate a false spring just because a rodent didn’t see its shadow on a given day. This should be an indication that false spring isn’t uncommon.

Edit: High and low source.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j84j1jw wrote

I am a life long democrat, and there have been several members of the party that are off the rails.

MTG - Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Matt Gaetz - Anthony Weiner

You don’t have to look long to find a Democrat who is bat shit crazy. Crazy people have never been a one-sided thing. That being said, the current batch of Republicans do seem to have more air time.


GrilledSpamSteaks t1_j82ekn4 wrote

We got in in the first round they offered. Had 2 batteries installed and so far so good. During the 3 day power outage last month, we had lights, water and fridge power the whole time. With conservative use and all 220v lines outside of the loop, we have 5 days of power with the walls. Remember they are 13kw batteries each, so it’s easy enough to drain them pretty quick.