GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_iyc5mk6 wrote
Reply to comment by ahsgsB in What is a movie that you love that you think everyone else, quite justifiably, hates? by Nossirom
Its gets so much hate, idk why. I love that movie. My favorite scene is when all of the kitchen appliances turns into Decepticons. I get so excited every time I see that scene. Brilliant movie!
GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_iyc5giz wrote
Reply to comment by hondajvx in What is a movie that you love that you think everyone else, quite justifiably, hates? by Nossirom
Its a Marvel Comics movie that is pre-mcu. Its pretty fucking good
GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_iyc5b4v wrote
Reply to comment by Voltekker_ in What is a movie that you love that you think everyone else, quite justifiably, hates? by Nossirom
Prometheus is awesome. Screw the haters
GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_ixkvfrf wrote
Reply to comment by so1i1oquy in Worst performing movies to receive a sequel? by punkmuppet
I did. Tron Legacy and Blade Runner 2049 were good movies, and so were their prequels. Donnie Darko was cool, but not its sequel
GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_ixkrspb wrote
Reply to comment by so1i1oquy in Worst performing movies to receive a sequel? by punkmuppet
Bruh, those movies are good
GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_ix7bml8 wrote
Reply to What is Dwayne Johnson’s best movie? by Melk-boy
Rock movies are actually good. People just make too many memes of him and i dont know why.
GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_iyc5qww wrote
Reply to comment by ShallWeStartThen in What is a movie that you love that you think everyone else, quite justifiably, hates? by Nossirom
It sadly gets a lot of hate, but I love it. I swear, people do not like original ideas.