GrowFreeFood t1_jb09cq6 wrote
Reply to comment by SituatedSynapses in Security robots patrolling a parking lot at night in California by Dalembert
Absolutely will be. I will bet any some of money
GrowFreeFood t1_jaxbqex wrote
Reply to comment by Particular-County461 in Dangerous political ad, would you agree? by BFeely1
Is it because you believe the government is too corrupt, and that a foreign corporation will run it better because it is less corrupt?
GrowFreeFood t1_jaq0utx wrote
Reply to comment by SCWarriors44 in TIL "to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps" is an example of an impossible task. The idiom dates at least to 1834, from the Workingman's Advocate: "It is conjectured that Mr. Murphee will now be enabled to hand himself over the Cumberland river or a barn yard fence by the straps of his boots. by meat-juice
Looking down on people does not raise you up. I will pull up every single person I can until I die.
GrowFreeFood t1_japhy0c wrote
Reply to comment by SCWarriors44 in TIL "to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps" is an example of an impossible task. The idiom dates at least to 1834, from the Workingman's Advocate: "It is conjectured that Mr. Murphee will now be enabled to hand himself over the Cumberland river or a barn yard fence by the straps of his boots. by meat-juice
Except there are people who unfairly hoard all the resources just for the joy of watching other fight for scraps. Its literally sadistic
GrowFreeFood t1_jaekksk wrote
Reply to comment by Sourdieselmang in Maine's newspapers doing the right thing by dj_1973
So you admit there are racist people. Are you willing to admit there is systematic racism?
GrowFreeFood t1_jaecynr wrote
Reply to comment by Sourdieselmang in Maine's newspapers doing the right thing by dj_1973
Nah, but i definitely don't believe it. Maybe it gives people an excuse to be hateful.
GrowFreeFood t1_jaebffv wrote
Reply to comment by Buckscience in Maine’s 1st conservation cemetery offers climate friendly burials by FluffyBunnyIsntHappy
You're joking?
GrowFreeFood t1_jaeb2y5 wrote
Reply to comment by TabbyCat421 in Maine's newspapers doing the right thing by dj_1973
You seriously believe that? So gullible and so willing to hate. Do you drink a lot?
GrowFreeFood t1_jaanzei wrote
Reply to comment by neonoodle in Leaked: $466B conglomerate Tencent has a team building a ChatGPT rival platform by zalivom1s
I will invite it to come over and chat about how we are all trapped in space-time and killing us would be completely pointless.
GrowFreeFood t1_ja7wgnt wrote
Reply to comment by RealMainer in Anyone else heard about this? Aroostook Centre Mall is dead. by AthenianThief
Doesn't the government just bail out all these scummy businesses? I thought that was the business model used by Walmart, banks, manufacturers and many other companies
GrowFreeFood t1_ja1fmfb wrote
Reply to comment by New-Work-139 in Developer David Gendron withdraws offer to buy former Martel School property by [deleted]
Millionaire is nowhere near the upper class. The upper class has a private chef, the chef is a millionaire. The person who eats that food, thats the upper class.
GrowFreeFood t1_ja13pdv wrote
Reply to comment by New-Work-139 in Developer David Gendron withdraws offer to buy former Martel School property by [deleted]
Those people are upper middle class. They are not upper class. 99% You must be born into upper class.
GrowFreeFood t1_ja0acky wrote
Reply to comment by ppitm in [OC] US states by urban population in %. by beastof_Bourbon
Do we have oppositional political parties? Because they look like a fairly united group of class warriors.
GrowFreeFood t1_ja070rg wrote
Reply to comment by ppitm in [OC] US states by urban population in %. by beastof_Bourbon
It's incredibly true and i am sure a bot can back me up on that.
GrowFreeFood t1_j9zgjl7 wrote
Reply to comment by ppitm in [OC] US states by urban population in %. by beastof_Bourbon
The deep south does vote democratic, but its gerrymandering that flips the results.
GrowFreeFood t1_jb09j2z wrote
Reply to Security robots patrolling a parking lot at night in California by Dalembert
Free robots for the taking