GrudaAplam t1_j8ybn81 wrote
Reply to I can't appreciate magical realism despite all the great books in that genre by StoicIndian87
Sounds like it's not for you.
GrudaAplam t1_j8apk3t wrote
Reply to comment by KittyLord0824 in Do you judge a book by its cover? What do you look at when deciding whether to rent or buy a book? by KittyLord0824
I recognize the title or the author.
GrudaAplam t1_j8ajvao wrote
Reply to Do you judge a book by its cover? What do you look at when deciding whether to rent or buy a book? by KittyLord0824
I don't judge a book by its cover. Typically I look at the title of the book and the name of the author.
GrudaAplam t1_j6k1n0o wrote
Reply to comment by MegC18 in The 10 Inalienable Rights of the Reader by swedish_librarian
Most times that's the author's choice.
GrudaAplam t1_j6hm371 wrote
Reply to comment by User7193719 in Remembering everything you read by User7193719
Something along those lines. In school they don't expect you to read something once and remember all of it. You take notes, write essays or work through multiple equations.
GrudaAplam t1_j6hjua6 wrote
Reply to comment by User7193719 in Remembering everything you read by User7193719
Yes. Most people don't have photographic memories. One doesn't read a recipe book and remember every recipe, one refers back to the book every time one wants to cook that dish until they have done so on multiple occasions.
GrudaAplam t1_j6himw6 wrote
Reply to Just me, or was IT really too long? by KnightOfPanda
Yeah, a bit. Que sera, sera.
GrudaAplam t1_j6hij4b wrote
Reply to Remembering everything you read by User7193719
I don't need to remember every detail of a book. I only need to remember vague generalities and if I need to recall any specifics I can pick up the book again and flick to the relevant section.
GrudaAplam t1_j6h9xta wrote
Reply to comment by dyson14444 in Can AI replace the authors? by [deleted]
It was the best of times. It was the blurst of times.
GrudaAplam t1_j6h9stp wrote
Reply to comment by MrdrOfCrws in Can AI replace the authors? by [deleted]
Once you've got, say, half a dozen or so in the style it wouldn't be to hard to generate more with some prompts.
GrudaAplam t1_j6grq0x wrote
Reply to Can AI replace the authors? by [deleted]
Some of them. I reckon those authors who employ a stable of ghost writers to churn out works under their name would be able to make use of these so called "AI"s.
GrudaAplam t1_j6ffd8f wrote
Yes. Or another amount. You can even vary it day by day.
GrudaAplam t1_j6f1qa5 wrote
Reply to What’s the point of the “this novel is entirely a work of fiction….” disclaimer? by huphelmeyer
No novel is ever entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are always, however remotely, based on something or someone. Therefore it is imperative to claim that any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.
GrudaAplam t1_j6f13gf wrote
Reply to What is a plot/world-building issue that breaks your suspension of disbelief? by JonathanCue
Well, doesn't it make sense to start the events of the plot just before the super powerful race/clan/faction of beings makes its move to take over everything? That's the whole point, right? That's where the action, the conflict, the tension arises.
If the super powerful race/clan/faction of beings made its move to take over everything earlier then you'd have to start the events of the plot earlier.
GrudaAplam t1_j6cg7jv wrote
Reply to comment by itsmariuc in I need help fitting my own book into a genre! by itsmariuc
An unwritten book has no genre.
GrudaAplam t1_j6cfywk wrote
No you don't. You need to write it first before worrying about the genre.
GrudaAplam t1_j6ay4x6 wrote
Reply to comment by weirdgroovynerd in Will the imprinted advertisement stickers on books ever go away? by Battlepikapowe4
Win? The last book I finished had two shortlisted "stickers".
GrudaAplam t1_j6asmtn wrote
Reply to comment by steeeephen in Finished Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Underwhelmed by steeeephen
I didn't like the movie but I loved the tv series.
GrudaAplam t1_j62w5gm wrote
Because they are popular.
GrudaAplam t1_j60grdr wrote
Reply to comment by bookman1984 in How do you read non fiction books? by Retep_Rup
Don't quit your day job yet, your trolling lacks bite.
GrudaAplam t1_j60bfeq wrote
Reply to comment by bookman1984 in How do you read non fiction books? by Retep_Rup
Not far off. Admittedly it's a bit of a shit avatar. New Zealand is not actually a hemisphere but I am in the same one.
GrudaAplam t1_j609xva wrote
Reply to comment by bookman1984 in How do you read non fiction books? by Retep_Rup
Watch for smoke from the corner of your eye. Be ready to act quickly.
GrudaAplam t1_j609ol5 wrote
Reply to comment by bookman1984 in How do you read non fiction books? by Retep_Rup
GrudaAplam t1_j5xzlep wrote
Don't. Just don't. I know you will but don't.
GrudaAplam t1_j9c9mj2 wrote
Reply to Do you read the introductions of novels? by BadIdeasDrawnPoorly
Yes, I usually read them at the beginning.