
GuyanaFlavorAid t1_j9xwrej wrote

That's one of the best. When they're trying to stay warm in the barn. "C'mere, darling." LOL Or discussing the last prairie chicken at dinner. "You think you got a chance?" "I think I can say with complete confidence, none whatsoever." And then Ford just grins and gives him the last of the food. Or running from the law waitonvfor sunset "Now?" That movie is just excellent.


GuyanaFlavorAid t1_j5xyocw wrote

If people haven't reasoned themselves into a position, you can't reaaon them out. The super red flags for me are when they resort to conspiracy type shit or talk about how they heard it on talk radio. Especially when they're like "There's a bigger picture here" or "they do this thing around elections and it will magically go back" and tadaaaa it never happens. But you just keep dreaming, pal. Show me a vetted source or actual data. What? You can't? Oh my how shocking.