
Guygan t1_j6fjp4s wrote

Your submission has been removed for one or more of the following reason(s):

  • Your question does not include the research you've done to find an answer yourself, or why that research didn't answer your question.

This is a basic requirement so others do not spend time repeating your steps. It is not a judgement about your question being "too easy." We're looking for evidence that you've made an attempt yourself.

  • Please do not use /r/DIY as your first stop for questions - we are not Google.

  • Please search Google and /r/DIY to see if your question has been asked before. Check owners manuals, tech support forums or contact the manufacturer.

  • Have you already done some basic research and are still stuck?

  • Please include what research you have done in your question so that others do not repeat your steps.

  • Consider posting your question in the sticky thread at the top of the subreddit.

  • Ask your question in our Discord server in the appropriate channel.

Please read our Full Sub Rules before resubmitting.

If you believe this was a mistake, please message the moderators.

###Do not respond to this comment - you will not receive a response.


Guygan t1_j6fdrr2 wrote

  • You are asking about a project that someone else did.
  • You are not asking a question relating to something DIY.
  • You are not asking a question at all.
  • You are submitting a "DIY Tips" or "Tricks" post.
  • You are trying to submit a survey / fundraiser.
  • You are asking what an item is called - try /r/whatisthisthing.
  • /r/DIY allows only two types of posts - finished projects & help requests.
  • If your submission is neither of these - it will be removed.

Please read our guidelines before resubmitting.

If you believe this was a mistake, please message the moderators.


Guygan t1_j6epnh9 wrote

  • Your title does not adequately describe your project or your question.
  • Your title is clickbait or inaccurate.
  • Your title contains the words "xpost" in some form or another.
  • Your title is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Your title is unreadable, not understandable, uses acronyms, is not in English, or is otherwise difficult to read.

Please read our guidelines before resubmitting

If you believe this was a mistake, please message the moderators.


Guygan t1_j6e7qvx wrote

  • Your title does not adequately describe your project or your question.
  • Your title is clickbait or inaccurate.
  • Your title contains the words "xpost" in some form or another.
  • Your title is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Your title is unreadable, not understandable, uses acronyms, is not in English, or is otherwise difficult to read.

Please read our guidelines before resubmitting

If you believe this was a mistake, please message the moderators.


Guygan t1_j6a5xh9 wrote

  • Your title does not adequately describe your project or your question.
  • Your title is clickbait or inaccurate.
  • Your title contains the words "xpost" in some form or another.
  • Your title is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Your title is unreadable, not understandable, uses acronyms, is not in English, or is otherwise difficult to read.

Please read our guidelines before resubmitting

If you believe this was a mistake, please message the moderators.


Guygan t1_j68tp8i wrote

> A very popular local Portland musician is currently having a very public meltdown and nobody is supporting her at all.

I suspect that help and support is being offered but the person in question is unable or unwilling to accept help. I have seen it many times. And I have personal experience with such situations.


Guygan t1_j65z9j0 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Water damaged car for sale by [deleted]

> It needs a new engine, other than water damage I don’t know what to call it because it’s nothing you can see and I don’t know anything about cars!

Okay, but you know about water. You need to say what happened to your car.


Guygan t1_j65y0eq wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Water damaged car for sale by [deleted]

> It needs a new engine

You need to explain in the listing what happened. "Water damage" usually means "I drove it into a lake" or "my neighborhood was flooded" and that means a WHOLE LOT more than just the engine is damaged. How did the engine get "water damage" but nothing else? If you don't explain this, no one will touch your car for $6000. NO ONE.