Guygan t1_j65k8nt wrote
Reply to comment by bitspace in Maine Side Hustle by [deleted]
I legit lol’d.
Guygan t1_j65k4oq wrote
Reply to Maine Side Hustle by [deleted]
Not to go into too much detail, but I’ll just say it’s amazing what some people will pay for a sexy boomer’s used underpants.
Guygan t1_j63q272 wrote
Reply to comment by rangerlight in Need help finding a Starbucks mug by stonerclover27
Yup. People collect them. Gotta get all 50 states!!!
Guygan t1_j637287 wrote
Reply to comment by stonerclover27 in Need help finding a Starbucks mug by stonerclover27
> I have for weeks now
Keep it up.
Guygan t1_j6370ub wrote
Reply to comment by BachRodham in Need help finding a Starbucks mug by stonerclover27
OP wants a tumbler.
Guygan t1_j62etmj wrote
Reply to Need help finding a Starbucks mug by stonerclover27
Search eBay and Etsy.
Guygan t1_j615jqk wrote
Reply to Stripped screw holes by Crzy49er
- Your question does not include the research you've done to find an answer yourself, or why that research didn't answer your question.
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Guygan t1_j614rjp wrote
He’s a good egg.
Guygan t1_j5x079p wrote
- You have not provided progress photos or your progress photos are not adequate.
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Guygan t1_j5ws80g wrote
Reply to diesel emissions laws by grim4926
You only need to get an emissions inspection if your car is registered in Cumberland County. In all other counties there's no emissions testing.
Guygan t1_j5w08ri wrote
Reply to /r/DIY - what fasteners would you stock for small woodworking and home improvement projects by Forumferret
Your submission has been removed for one or more of the following reason(s):
- It is not question about a specific aspect of a project you are working on.
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Guygan t1_j5w0013 wrote
Your submission has been removed for one or more of the following reason(s):
Your question does not include sufficient detail.
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Guygan t1_j5tfjhm wrote
The Maine Maritime Museum is amazing. And the Maine State Museum is also shockingly good and overlooked.
Guygan t1_j5t9hzy wrote
Reply to Is this mold in my chimney? by OzAnonn
- You are asking about a project that someone else did.
- You are not asking a question relating to something DIY.
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Guygan t1_j5q2irv wrote
Reply to comment by Henbogle in Remind us again why CMP is doubling and worse our electric bills? by easy_peasy_woeisme
Guygan t1_j5pgzpy wrote
Reply to comment by King_O_Walpole in The Irving Family is the single largest landowner in Maine, owning 1,267,792 in the state. They have also planted more than 1 billion trees across Canada and the United States. by Raz0rRamon
I’m only delusional when it comes to cartel apologies.
Guygan t1_j5oy8nh wrote
Reply to The Irving Family is the single largest landowner in Maine, owning 1,267,792 in the state. They have also planted more than 1 billion trees across Canada and the United States. by Raz0rRamon
That’s according to public records.
There is at least one landowner I know of that’s bigger than this but their holdings are hidden by owning through trusts and other entities that disguise the actual beneficial owner.
Guygan t1_j5od4l7 wrote
Guygan t1_j5obx6c wrote
Reply to comment by Majestic-Feedback541 in Powers out, generators broken, CMP is still assessing and I can’t have my coffee. How many are in same position. by dadoftwins04
There are some outages in town as of last night but they are super-quick at getting service back.
Looks like the only outages in town are due to a CMP feed issue, so KLP is all done and waiting for CMP to get their shit together.
Guygan t1_j5o7jxg wrote
Reply to Powers out, generators broken, CMP is still assessing and I can’t have my coffee. How many are in same position. by dadoftwins04
Non-profit community power company FTW
Guygan t1_j5mw5oz wrote
Seaweeds aren’t plants. They are algae. They shouldn’t be called “vegetables”.
Guygan t1_j5mm8me wrote
Reply to Self strafing camera stand by Roger_Pollack
- You are asking how to "get started" on a project.
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- If you have a project in mind, please do some basic research on the matter, come up with your plan, then you can ask about a specific aspect of the project.
We want you to get the help you're looking for. If you have any of these questions, some places to get help are:
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Please read our guidelines before resubmitting.
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Guygan t1_j5jyku0 wrote
Reply to The Portland area has the 8th highest percentage of second homes in the country by LuckyLaceyKS
Just a clarification of terms:
This list uses the federal “Combined Statistical Area” which encompasses 4 counties. It’s not just “Portland” - it’s the majority of the most populated areas of the state - 600,000 people live in this CSA.
> A larger combined statistical area (CSA), the Portland–Lewiston–South Portland combined statistical area, is defined as the combination of this metropolitan statistical area (MSA) with the adjacent Lewiston–Auburn MSA. The CSA comprises four counties in southern Maine.
The area includes:
Androscoggin county
Cumberland county
Sagadahoc county
York county
Lewiston - Auburn metropolitan statistical area
Portland - South Portland metropolitan statistical area
Guygan t1_j65we49 wrote
Reply to Water damaged car for sale by [deleted]
No one's gonna be interested unless you say with some specificity what the "water damage" consists of. Also include a picture.
Also post it on Facebook Marketplace. Yes, Facebook is evil, blah blah blah but plenty of people make an account just for buying and selling on Marketplace. You can make an account and not include any personal info like pics, etc.