
Guygan t1_j7fneli wrote

Would you have preferred that they told you once you’d arrived?

Doctors have emergencies and illnesses, too. And doctors offices also have staffing issues. If you take every personal inconvenience as a personal affront, maybe look inwards.


Guygan t1_j74b5lh wrote

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Guygan t1_j6p1txr wrote

Set of 4 studded Hakkas are about $1,100. Add in 4 steelies or the charge for swapping out 4 tires with balancing, and that's about $1500.

Not everyone has that kind of cash, and more importantly, not everyone needs studded snows at all.


Guygan t1_j6oydeg wrote

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Guygan t1_j6mtv9x wrote

> Dedicated winter studded tires on steel wheels are a necessity up here

Disagree. Only necessary when the roads are icy. Plenty of folks do just fine with all season tires. If you've got an extra $1500 burning a hole in your pocket, by all means buy studded Hakkas, but in most places in Maine they are really only needed a few days a year.