
Guygan t1_j9u6x15 wrote

  • Your post was regarding cooking, cleaning, general maintenance items.
  • Your post was regarding sewing, general automotive repairs, cosmetics.
  • Your post was regarding software design, solely CNC, 3D or laser printing.
  • Please consider submitting these projects to /r/crafts, /r/homeimprovement, /r/woodworking, /r/electronics or /r/findareddit to help you find a subreddit applicable to your project.

Please read our guidelines before resubmitting.

If you believe this was a mistake, please message the moderators.


Guygan t1_j9t3sne wrote

  • You are asking about a project that someone else did.
  • You are not asking a question relating to something DIY.
  • You are not asking a question at all.
  • You are submitting a "DIY Tips" or "Tricks" post.
  • You are trying to submit a survey / fundraiser.
  • You are asking what an item is called - try /r/whatisthisthing.
  • /r/DIY allows only two types of posts - finished projects & help requests.
  • If your submission is neither of these - it will be removed.

Please read our guidelines before resubmitting.

If you believe this was a mistake, please message the moderators.


Guygan t1_j9t3pgi wrote

  • You are asking how to "get started" on a project.
  • You are asking what is the best method or approach to a project.
  • You are asking whether or not you should do a project.
  • You are asking for advice on what project you should make ("what can I make within my budget?")
  • If you have a project in mind, please do some basic research on the matter, come up with your plan, then you can ask about a specific aspect of the project.

We want you to get the help you're looking for. If you have any of these questions, some places to get help are:

  • Ask your question in our Discord server in the appropriate channel.
  • You may also try other subreddits - /r/homeimprovement, /r/woodworking, /r/electronics or /r/findareddit to help you find a subreddit applicable to your question.

Please read our guidelines before resubmitting.

If you believe this was a mistake, please message the moderators.


Guygan t1_j9t3n49 wrote

  • Your title does not adequately describe your project or your question.
  • Your title is clickbait or inaccurate.
  • Your title contains the words "xpost" in some form or another.
  • Your title is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Your title is unreadable, not understandable, uses acronyms, is not in English, or is otherwise difficult to read.

Please read our guidelines before resubmitting

If you believe this was a mistake, please message the moderators.


Guygan t1_j9r4ahf wrote

That’s a motel painting from an Asian “art” factory.

c. 1960s. Paintings like this do have some value, esp with the kitschy frame. I’d say maybe $75 to a hipster collector.


Guygan t1_j9lv64a wrote

> You could easily give some kind of indication of how these things typically go

No, I can’t easily do that. Because it’s not predictable and it “typically” doesn’t go any typical way.


Guygan t1_j9jv5i6 wrote

  • Your question does not include the research you've done to find an answer yourself, or why that research didn't answer your question.

This is a basic requirement so others do not spend time repeating your steps. It is not a judgement about your question being "too easy." We're looking for evidence that you've made an attempt yourself.

  • Please do not use /r/DIY as your first stop for questions - we are not Google.

  • Please search Google and /r/DIY to see if your question has been asked before. Check owners manuals, tech support forums or contact the manufacturer.

  • Have you already done some basic research and are still stuck?

  • Please include what research you have done in your question so that others do not repeat your steps.

  • Consider posting your question in the sticky thread at the top of the subreddit.

  • Ask your question in our Discord server in the appropriate channel.

Please read our guidelines before resubmitting.

If you believe this was a mistake, please message the moderators.