
Gwtheyrn t1_j76xv9m wrote

The Olympic Mountains limit the available land on the WA coast to a pretty narrow strip, and Puget Sound's qualities make it a far better spot to build major ports.


Gwtheyrn t1_j6j4szv wrote

Reply to Drip by lezwinHD

Dude has had that cloak, waiting for the day, for 30 years.


Gwtheyrn t1_j1sz4zo wrote

Lone wolf stochastic terror attacks are hard to predict, but this stuff has caught the attention of the FBI and Homeland Security (once they're bored of shooting brown people). The people they catch involved will face some lengthy sentences. Not as much as stealing a few million from a billionaire because priorities exist.


Gwtheyrn t1_j1sy1bq wrote

In an attempt to harm people. MAGA/GOP has decided that if they can't win the culture wars, they're going to sow chaos, death, and destruction. There's going to be a lot more right-wing domestic terror attacks in the country and especially in blue states over the next 10.years or so as Christian Nationalists find themselves increasingly politically sidelined in these areas.