Gwtheyrn t1_j09lyrd wrote
Reply to comment by zalvernaz in The world needs more characters like Mike Leach -- Washington, especially its sports fans, has lost one of the most innovative and entertaining figures of our time. by guanaco55
It's not backbone. It's a man deciding that the rules that apply to everyone else shouldn't apply to him.
Gwtheyrn t1_j08g3wh wrote
Reply to The world needs more characters like Mike Leach -- Washington, especially its sports fans, has lost one of the most innovative and entertaining figures of our time. by guanaco55
I'm just going to disagree with this. The man said and did shitty things. I'm not a fan.
Gwtheyrn t1_j08c437 wrote
Reply to comment by StateOfContusion in Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination by Razariousnefarian
Anyone who says they understand quantum mechanics doesn't.
Gwtheyrn t1_ixsjpex wrote
Reply to TIFU by making a comment about a star. by noahboi1917
Imagine proclaiming a Middle-Eastern Jewish carpenter as your messiah and personal savior and being offended by a Star of David.
Gwtheyrn t1_iw6d35f wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Democrats flip a safe Republican seat. 🤣 by Amelia-Earwig
Because treason is a very narrowly defined legal term, and laws are for us peasants, not our betters.
Gwtheyrn t1_iw69hr8 wrote
Reply to comment by backflips_everyday in Democrats flip a safe Republican seat. 🤣 by Amelia-Earwig
Oh, yeah, she's a Russian agent. Zero doubt in my mind.
Gwtheyrn t1_ivnx664 wrote
Reply to WA election results 2022: Seattle, King County, U.S. Congress and more - watch this page, starting at 8pm by MondayCrosswords
Tiffany Smiley getting blown TF out makes me Smiley.
LOL at that stupid poll that had her running within 1 point.
Gwtheyrn t1_ive4p3o wrote
Reply to We know about viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms evolving to better infect other organisms. Consequently, diseases change too to some extent. Are there any examples of human bodies evolving to fight against these disease causing agents? by ha_ha_ha_ha_hah
One of the most well-known human changes comes from Africa, where some humans' red blood cells changed to help the body combat malaria. When a person carries a copy of this genetic sequence, their red blood cells change shape when infected by malaria, helping the immune system identify them so it can destroy the cells and virus with it.
You might be familiar with the chronic condition which comes from having two copies of the sequence, however: sickle cell anemia.
Gwtheyrn t1_iv4lpt1 wrote
Reply to Tiffany Smiley Ad by [deleted]
Even though Washington's education system is better than most, it's still the United States, and therefore full of willful ignorance and outright stupidity
Gwtheyrn t1_it6u9pn wrote
I used to get them from the Smiley campaign 4-6 times a day.
Gwtheyrn t1_iqpovph wrote
Reply to comment by boing757 in WA Senate candidate Tiffany Smiley criticizes Seattle Times, Starbucks, Seahawks by matchettehdl
Some people like losing.
Gwtheyrn t1_iqpot96 wrote
Reply to comment by Skagit_Rover in WA Senate candidate Tiffany Smiley criticizes Seattle Times, Starbucks, Seahawks by matchettehdl
How exactly has she been "fleecing" the state?
She's one of the most powerful senators on the left side of the aisle and has a track record of bringing funding home for important projects.
Gwtheyrn t1_iqpolz2 wrote
Reply to comment by joelofallen in WA Senate candidate Tiffany Smiley criticizes Seattle Times, Starbucks, Seahawks by matchettehdl
That outlier poll is GOP-funded and run by a GOP aligned polling company with a D rating.
Gwtheyrn t1_iqpohlp wrote
Reply to comment by LapLeong in WA Senate candidate Tiffany Smiley criticizes Seattle Times, Starbucks, Seahawks by matchettehdl
Last I checked, the only poll showing her that close was Trafalgar Group, with a very poor accuracy rating and funded solely by the GOP. Every other poll I've seen has her getting blown TF out.
Gwtheyrn t1_iqpoax2 wrote
Reply to WA Senate candidate Tiffany Smiley criticizes Seattle Times, Starbucks, Seahawks by matchettehdl
Tiffany Smiley can get bent.
Gwtheyrn t1_j09og8p wrote
Reply to comment by garbage-pale-kid in Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination by Razariousnefarian
Yeah, I understand some concepts about "this is the way things are."in rough, layman's terms, but not the how's and whys.