HEHEHO2022 t1_jab3szd wrote
Reply to comment by charleyismyhero in Are violent crazy concept movies the next big thing? by TylerSpicknell
sorry but do you honestly thing critically acclaimed movies cant be fun. what a dumb fuck way to think
HEHEHO2022 t1_jaayrqz wrote
Reply to comment by Intelligent-Age2786 in Tell me a movie that you really don't like; then, tell me something AMAZING about it by TheSixtthDegree
what about the other great performances and all the other great stuff. what werent you feeling about the film?
HEHEHO2022 t1_jaaxsvo wrote
Reply to comment by Pope00 in Are violent crazy concept movies the next big thing? by TylerSpicknell
problem is violent night and cocaine near are nothing special. general audiences need to better their taste and go out more to watch really well made cinema too..
HEHEHO2022 t1_ja500ot wrote
Reply to comment by notoliberals in Is it just be that found the trailer for "In Bruges" to be deceitful? by notoliberals
so you honestly think the films NOT comedy simply because YOU didnt find it funny.
just some advise dont go into movie criticism as a career.
HEHEHO2022 t1_ja4zh0p wrote
Reply to Did anyone see Nope (2022) and now has an irrational fear of clouds? Because same. by OrdinaryAd5522
i have a fear of terrible jordan peele films
HEHEHO2022 t1_ja4z7b7 wrote
Reply to comment by notoliberals in Is it just be that found the trailer for "In Bruges" to be deceitful? by notoliberals
not having a go but look at the reaction this thread got. youre clearly in the minority so dont you see that maybe you just didnt find it funny but its STILL a comedy film that many others find funny.
HEHEHO2022 t1_j9xv7j4 wrote
Reply to comment by Wank_God_69 in Why do people hate Godfather Part 3 by Wank_God_69
i mean people in general
HEHEHO2022 t1_j9xv5c5 wrote
Reply to comment by KitsuneRisu in The creators of Winnie The Pooh Blood And Honey are geniuses by Gloomy-Pineapple1729
hate what you want didnt say you can just pointing out they might not be making it with bad intentions.
HEHEHO2022 t1_j9xrdve wrote
Reply to comment by KitsuneRisu in The creators of Winnie The Pooh Blood And Honey are geniuses by Gloomy-Pineapple1729
sure great artists should be rewarded thats not question. However unless a film is made just to scam people or is made in a disingenuous way then whats the problem.
whos saying these film are doing that. someone had an idea wanted to make a film. they werent forcing anyone to watch it.
HEHEHO2022 t1_j9xr9bc wrote
Reply to Why do people hate Godfather Part 3 by Wank_God_69
its a solid film with some big problems. however the main problem here is youre comparing it to the first 2 movies which are flawless.
HEHEHO2022 t1_j9xr1p9 wrote
Reply to comment by Portmanlovesme in There's a great movie to be made about Will Smith and that night at the Oscars. by Portmanlovesme
OP this is an interesting post but i think youre screaming into the void .people on here think its just funny now to dismiss EVERYTHING someone brings up.
and boy do people love that downvote button. in 3....2....1..
HEHEHO2022 t1_j9xm7v4 wrote
i wil never understand why some people are actually HAPPY when a movie bombs
HEHEHO2022 t1_j9xhkr4 wrote
Paul Thomas Anderson
You get more and more out of them with each rewatch
HEHEHO2022 t1_j6p8eve wrote
Reply to What movies are worth the hype? by pm-me-unicorns
that is a broad question
HEHEHO2022 t1_j6khpfn wrote
im surpraised tht anyone with a love of great horror films would actually like this below average meme of a movie.
HEHEHO2022 t1_j6kh9kr wrote
olivia colman
everytime she cries
HEHEHO2022 t1_j6k7lvs wrote
Reply to comment by Auslander91 in Babylon (mixed feelings, help needed) by Ealiom
the asian woman the trumpet player
HEHEHO2022 t1_j6k4aqe wrote
Reply to comment by NoHandBananaNo in Do you think that David Cronenberg peaked comparatively late in his career? by RusevReigns
well he has the films are just very different doesnt make them worse though
HEHEHO2022 t1_j6k1vsa wrote
Reply to Avatar: The Way of Water was boring by Movie_Advance_101
both of them are. the effects only take it so far
HEHEHO2022 t1_j6k0934 wrote
Reply to comment by Nord4Ever in Movie with John C. Reilly in a serious role, I vaguely remember. by JT11erink
watch more of his films then he has a handful of great serious performances
HEHEHO2022 t1_j6jz58g wrote
Reply to comment by Zarguthian in I just watched Django Unchained and am a bit unclear on a few details, please help me out. by Zarguthian
thats a shame
HEHEHO2022 t1_j6jylf6 wrote
Reply to comment by NoHandBananaNo in Do you think that David Cronenberg peaked comparatively late in his career? by RusevReigns
OP never said he wasnt big before
HEHEHO2022 t1_j6jux1i wrote
Reply to Babylon (mixed feelings, help needed) by Ealiom
i enjoyed it to an extent however i do feel like its a highlight reel of a 6 episode tv show. some characters are really underwritten
HEHEHO2022 t1_j6jtnuk wrote
Reply to Is infinity pool scary? by picklefire786
you will need to watch it to see whether YOU find it scary others people taste arent always the same as yours
HEHEHO2022 t1_jab4072 wrote
Reply to comment by Pope00 in Are violent crazy concept movies the next big thing? by TylerSpicknell
then why arent general audiences loving both. they are happy watching something dumb and shallow,which of course they have the right to, but they almost ignore really well crafted films that are also entertaining