HairyBaIIs007 t1_iugfrr4 wrote
I tend to find books from Goodwills or thrift stores for cheap so it just pays to buy them over have to go out of my way for the library.
HairyBaIIs007 t1_itghyri wrote
The Shining is a great book. I consider it more of a psychological thriller over a horror book. The Kubrick film is very different than the book.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, I found Misery to be the worst King book I read. So good luck. I know it's well liked, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. It's the only King book that I disliked
HairyBaIIs007 t1_j1jg07q wrote
Reply to (Up to) How many times did you re-read the same book or series? by unknownbeing17
I've read The Shining 5 times. Such a great book.
I reread The Count of Monte Cristo every year, so this next year will be my 3rd read through