
HanaBothWays t1_j11ho72 wrote

When I first started there, not a lot of prominent people were on there, but now with Musk’s shenanigans on Twitter there are a lot of big names moving there. All the big news services are posting there too. Government agencies are starting to post there.

King isn’t there yet but there is an account that reposts his Tweets there.

Also if you are in a tech field you are likely to find a lot of prominent people in your field there. I did and it’s actually a lot better for keeping up with my professional stuff than Twitter ever was. There’s a lot less clutter and things trying to advertise at me.


HanaBothWays t1_j11b9wt wrote

For now Mastodon is pretty nice, although it does have issues with transphobic speech on a couple servers and people getting their panties in a twist about POC mentioning racism exists (full disclosure). It doesn’t have an algorithm to show you stuff to get you worked up all the time, uh, “promote engagement,” and people who troll around get frozen out very fast.


HanaBothWays t1_j111d8e wrote

Dude, I hear the argument “abortion would prevent children from being born to abusive/unfit parents” all the time, it is not something novel. Hundreds of people say this every day! It is a stock argument for abortion rights and not a good one!

It is also gross to bring up because the idea that abortion is a way to solve the problem of “unfit parents” has its roots in eugenicist thinking. And “forcing people who might be unfit parents to get abortions or be sterilized” is not just some theoretical thing, this country was doing it officially through the 70s and unofficially through the 80s or 90s.


HanaBothWays t1_j10yfik wrote

Why someone chooses to have an abortion is not my business!

Also you still don’t know whether the lady in this article abused her daughter because she was an unwanted child. You have no basis for that. Plenty of people choose to have kids and then treat those kids horribly. People abusing their kids is not a soapbox for you or anyone else to make a pro-abortion argument. Neither is poverty or crime or any other societal ill - other than people being denied their right to have an abortion if they want/need one.


HanaBothWays t1_j10osfw wrote

How do you know? Are you a therapist who treats abused children? Do you study abusive parents? Do you know the factors that lead to child abuse or interpersonal abuse within families? Do you or anyone close to you have any personal experience with emotional abuse within the family? Are you familiar with the behavior patterns of narcissistic parents?


HanaBothWays t1_j109pca wrote

> I believe that people who don’t want to have children should have abortion as an option to ensure that they don’t have children, rather than having a child that they didn’t want (or want yet) thrust upon them.

What makes you think the woman in this article didn’t want to have children?

Plenty of people who abuse their kids wanted to have those kids.
