HappilyhiketheHump t1_j2s5n3p wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
Refunding shows that the city council figured out they screwed up. The bonuses are because the people doing the job quit and said “fuck off” to the pricks who persecuted them as a group for the horrible actions of a couple cops in Minneapolis.
They quit, as is their right. They don’t have to come back for more money. The fact that Burlington isn’t getting tons of applicants given the pay they are offering gives insight into how cops view the leaders of the city.
Who wants to work for bosses who are openly hostile to their employees?
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j2exs2f wrote
Reply to comment by realize-finiteworld in Hartford Redemption struggles to keep employees in what owner fears is a dying trade by DaddyBobMN
No. The redemption program costs unnecessary time, money and CO2.
Put the glass in the bin and it can be sorted at the recycling facility like all the other items.
Additionally, the value of recycled glass, even clear glass is very low.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j28se36 wrote
Reply to Hartford Redemption struggles to keep employees in what owner fears is a dying trade by DaddyBobMN
We have mandated recycling, so cans and bottles should just go into the blue bin. Then the revenue from the valuable recycled products could be used by the solid waste districts to reduce their costs and expand recycling and composting efforts.
Putting all recycling in the blue bin would eliminate all the costs of spent time, gas and CO2 associated with returning cans to a separate location to get $3.
This will never happen though because the legislature has “claimed” all the nickels not returned and dedicated the spending of that “revenue” to other environmental needs.
So we’re stuck with an antiquated system that wastes resources and costs all Vermonters a ton of time, cash and CO2 emissions just so we can sustain the progressively failing status quo.
That sounds about right for Vermont. smh
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j28qmfg wrote
Reply to comment by mynameisalso in Bones of ancient native dogs found at Jamestown by irkli
Why don’t liberals have fun in their lives? See, I can interject silly political notions into a non political comment section too. SMH
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j25kl2d wrote
Reply to comment by Dwayla in Bones of ancient native dogs found at Jamestown by irkli
Yes you did. Give all your personal possessions and accumulated wealth to the government for redistribution and report for immediate deportation.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j22bjbd wrote
Reply to comment by Hagardy in UVM too expensive by Constant_Education_4
If you believe increased state funding is gonna reduce the price of college in VT you’re delusional.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j227psg wrote
Reply to Am I the only one here, or are Vermonts road markings disappear when the roads wet? by euro_trash_rescue
Welcome to the world of environmentally friendly paint. Safety be damned.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j227gmk wrote
Reply to comment by Hagardy in UVM too expensive by Constant_Education_4
Yeah. Cause more state aid = cheaper tuition.
Keep drinking the Kool aid.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j1z5gcp wrote
Reply to comment by Vtfla in Vermont state trooper suspended during investigation of barracks theft by casewood123
Paid leave is negotiated with the union contract.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j1mqdud wrote
If you wanna torture your kids, take them to the museum in Jericho. Pretension meets boredom.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j0o47em wrote
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j02vmg4 wrote
Reply to Help Save Camp Sunrise! by theorwellbugler
Remove the legacy dam and let nature and the beavers do their thing.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_izzldyn wrote
Reply to comment by FyuckerFjord in Who else has Bernie ornaments? by vtforester
Those damn multi-millionaires.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_izpvh8g wrote
Reply to Shaws or Price Chopper or Hannaford by HappyAstronomer
From Barre I’d consider a run to NH every other week for groceries and Walmart type stuff. Then just get the fresh produce from the local market on the off week.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_izkud4r wrote
Reply to Headache in Vermont by vtluvsbrady
Call your legislators and ask them why the Green Mountain Care board as well as the certificate of need process the legislature created has allowed this to happen.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_iz4nwfp wrote
I’d welcome any and all options. An Aldi in NW Vermont would be great.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_iyu1gkf wrote
Reply to comment by dcarsonturner in Curious to know what folks think about this messaging? by Johnny9Toes
That’s cool. Love the forest. Yet, Ontario isn’t New England. Selective cutting done to modern standards and regulations is generally good for the environment, the economy, and the native flora and fauna.
If there is truly old growth, than leave it alone. Otherwise, humans and their actions are part of the natural environment.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_iytys5g wrote
Reply to comment by dcarsonturner in Curious to know what folks think about this messaging? by Johnny9Toes
There is almost no old growth in Vermont. Which biome in Vermont are you referring to?
HappilyhiketheHump t1_iyszy51 wrote
Reply to comment by dcarsonturner in Curious to know what folks think about this messaging? by Johnny9Toes
What is and where are old growth forests in Vermont? The entire state was clear cut pre 1900.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_iyo89fl wrote
Of course they are. The problem is that no one in this state offers a realistic solution other than just demanding more funding for NGO’s and government agencies.
Remember, what you economically subsidize, you will get more of.
Vermont cannot spend its way out of this issue.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_iy3pojf wrote
Reply to comment by Putrid-Might-8839 in moving to VT, asking for advice on locations. I have a family of 4 with a 13 year old and 17 year old. by Putrid-Might-8839
Do you have trade knowledge or are you licensed in a trade? The difference is $20-25+ for trade knowledge or $35-50+ as a licensed plumber or electrician or a certified welder.
Sadly, you won’t be able to live in Vermont with just trade knowledge as there are many “trade knowledge” workers just scrapping along who dilute the market with cash labor.
A bit more info on your skills would be helpful for advice.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_iy3fngw wrote
Reply to comment by GrubSprings in Why can't vermont tax Airnbn by Old_Ad_1301
Maybe. Airbnb is a catch all phrase for short term rentals. Most short term rental income is not fully claimed on individual taxes and our legislature has shown a distinct lack of interest in stopping that practice.
Additionally, short term rentals do not have the regulation and associated costs of regulation to pay.
Simply put, our current legislators have done little to nothing to control short term rentals as our housing crisis has exploded.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_iy1wtb9 wrote
Reply to comment by PhineasSwann in Why can't vermont tax Airnbn by Old_Ad_1301
Democratic legislators don’t want to. Until they do, nothing moves on taxes.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_ixvvlac wrote
Reply to comment by Man_On_Mars in Warmer, more volatile winters limit lake ice skating opportunities in Vermont | It’s getting more challenging for Lake Morey Resort to maintain its four-mile-long skating track. by newnemo
Nope. Never said that. Just stating how silly it is to worry about rich tourists skating at Lake Morey Resort.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j2stv45 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
No one is ignoring that or suggesting we ignore that.
But we can’t ignore the stupid move by the city council either.
You wouldn’t ignore that would you?
Both can issues can and do exist at the same time.