HappilyhiketheHump t1_j76u8sw wrote
Reply to comment by NowIAmThatGuy in I don't think the legislature should be setting the qualifications for Sheriff, that's the job of the voters (and I support elected Sheriffs). We need a way to remove a Sheriff who has shown themselves to the public as unfit for office. That's my opinion. by RamaSchneider
Same can be said about the state auditor. The position should be a CPA, but our current auditor isn’t.
I would be great if our legislative candidates had to take a math test to show they understood percentages and compound interest.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j73y0rz wrote
Reply to comment by SomeConstructionGuy in Public money for public schools. by LetterGrouchy6053
Many private schools in Vermont cost less per year than the average amount spent on a per student basis in Vermont. Some cost more.
I think we can agree that those who send their kid overseas on a voucher should be curtailed.
Most who send their kid to a school (private or public) on a voucher are not rich. They may be privileged as they live in Vermont, but most aren’t rich.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j73l753 wrote
Reply to comment by SomeConstructionGuy in Public money for public schools. by LetterGrouchy6053
And in towns that don’t provide schools? What do you suggest those parents do?
Vouchers have been used in Vermont for decades with no damage to the public schools or the children who use them.
Stop believing the NEA hype that the voucher system is gonna suddenly destroy our public school system.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j73d85l wrote
Reply to comment by Sparrows_Shadow in Public money for public schools. by LetterGrouchy6053
Vermont has had vouchers for children for towns that don’t have a high school for many years, and it has worked well.
The Supreme Court said states can’t discriminate against some students by only offering vouchers to a select few.
The education establishment doesn’t want to lose their stranglehold on 2 billion in state spending on preK-12 education that current results in <45% proficiency state wide.
So is this an issue? Yes Are Vermonts children being offered equal access to quality education? No Is the NEA looking out for the best interest of your child? No.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j732xfg wrote
Reply to Public money for public schools. by LetterGrouchy6053
Well, the best public schools in Vermont have a <45% proficiency rate and a >90% graduation rate at the third greatest cost per student in the nation.
There clearly is some room for improvement here.
Why would anyone blame a parent that wants a voucher (currently available in sending towns and reciprocal districts) for an alternative to a public school that isn’t a fit for their child?
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j72zfef wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Complaint filed by NLRB against VIP in Colchester by [deleted]
Colchester isn’t Burlington. They work to keep the sub Burlington focused under the “if you let one in, you let them all in and then you have the Vermont sub” theory.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6yee7t wrote
Reply to Kingdom folks: drip your faucets! Dry your wood, stock up on supplies, check on your neighbors... by mister_record
The kingdom already does that without being told.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6xagca wrote
Reply to comment by escobert in Looking to buy a house in Vermont - What cities do you recommend by psychicfrequency
Go get those ticks!
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6x8lkv wrote
Reply to comment by timberwolf0122 in I see the problem as being much more then this one private contract by RamaSchneider
When they are acting in legislative capacity they have immunity from their decisions. I don’t believe they need or deserve that protection from the people they serve.
I’d still allow immunity for decisions made by volunteer boards or officials elected at the town level as they are generally not compensated.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6x4f70 wrote
Reply to comment by timberwolf0122 in I see the problem as being much more then this one private contract by RamaSchneider
Who has allowed, and in many instances demanded through law that the police conduct themselves in an authoritarian manner?
Oh yeah, it’s the politicians.
Why don’t you don’t want them to be accountable for their actions?
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6x3vpe wrote
Reply to comment by escobert in Looking to buy a house in Vermont - What cities do you recommend by psychicfrequency
Don’t blame you for taking the freebies.
Just pointing out that short term jobs are open if someone wants one.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6wwt10 wrote
Reply to comment by escobert in Looking to buy a house in Vermont - What cities do you recommend by psychicfrequency
Every grocery store in the state will hire you for a month or two.
Work is good for the soul.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6wwcc6 wrote
Reply to comment by timberwolf0122 in I see the problem as being much more then this one private contract by RamaSchneider
I’m for qualified immunity for cops as long as the politicians enjoy qualified immunity.
Take away the qualified immunity from politicians and then we can talk about the cops, especially when off duty.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6omwj7 wrote
Reply to comment by ArkeryStarkery in 2 Rutland Drug Stabbings in 2 days. 1 left dead by devkim33
I was thinking physical or mental abuse or neglect. Neither are necessarily economic.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6nvpca wrote
Reply to comment by JodaUSA in 2 Rutland Drug Stabbings in 2 days. 1 left dead by devkim33
The increase in violent crime is primarily due to the sale and use of illegal drugs.
Some illegal drug use can be attributed to economic issues, but most illegal drug users just like being high, often to overcome a difficulty in life, get addicted and will do whatever is required to get high.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6flaps wrote
Reply to Attention new arrivals by [deleted]
I’m sure I’m not the first, but, Fuck off!
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j63rnzy wrote
Reply to comment by 3-celled-noggin in Advice Post - 4WD car necessary for weekend skiing trip or nay? by 3-celled-noggin
If you are on paved main roads, no. Just slow down and take it easy.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j63nruf wrote
No need. Either vehicle without snow tires is essentially the same on a paved main road.
Traction control in a newer FWD sedan is all you need if you slow down and drive with road conditions in mind.
Have a great trip!
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j5v6wa0 wrote
Reply to comment by Large-Frame-6345 in Former St. Albans Officer Acquitted of Assault in Taser Case by Large-Frame-6345
Okay. Not sure how this relates to his being acquitted by a jury of his peers?
You obviously made a poor choice in holding the door open for delinquents 10 years ago. Does that mean the decision you made yesterday was poor?
Weird standard.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j5v6gjc wrote
Reply to comment by HardTacoKit in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Please list the gun laws that criminals are currently following. I’ll wait.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j5urrid wrote
Reply to comment by HardTacoKit in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Yeah, cause mass shooters follow laws. smh
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j5tfor5 wrote
Inconsistent, low quality but made with love from ingredients foraged by unwashed trust funders.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j5gndmx wrote
Reply to comment by d-cent in Former St. Albans Officer Acquitted of Assault in Taser Case by Large-Frame-6345
Obviously it wasn’t. A jury heard and saw more information than you ever would/did about this case and acquitted the cop.
Do you have inside info or is it just ACAB cause that’s what discord told you?
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j5cr77f wrote
Reply to comment by LobsterSuspicious836 in reliable older model used cars for Vermont weather by bramletabercrombe
The anti-lock system will modulate the brakes many more times than a human is capable of and only modulate when slippage is detected.
I think was agree that slowing down/bleeding speed before hills and hard braking is needed is beneficial.
Based on the OP’s post, I don’t see them as skilled a winter driver with the knowledge to anticipate a slide.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j76vg49 wrote
Reply to An ‘unknowing pawn?’: From prison, Bill Stenger claims state ‘covered up’ Jay Peak fraud by deadowl
Stenger is a guilty cheat.
That said, I wanna see Shumlin and the rest of his staff asked questions under oath.
There’s that great story of Shumlin and his girlfriend staying for free in Quiros NYC apartment.