HappilyhiketheHump t1_j9ewr4a wrote
Reply to comment by happyonthehill802 in What are some legislative and day-to-day differences between VT, and MA? by spitsparadise
Wow. I read this as “someone tried to mount a Jersey” and choked on my oatmeal.
It’s a blurry morning.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j9aljrn wrote
A good guy with a gun.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j912889 wrote
Reply to comment by PerennialPangolin in Just learned there's a law about composting, how does everyone do it? by Dr_JackMeoff
The land lord could do that, but then the rent would have to be increased 10% for the annual consulting/planning fee.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8rvvf4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Town Meeting Day is Tuesday, 3/7. What's on your town's agenda and ballots? by deadowl
Yep. It’s a rigged system to keep those in charge in charge.
I’m not sure how it is even legal in todays world. Our old Secretary of State supported town meeting floor votes and our new Secretary does as well.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8rmgcs wrote
Reply to comment by HomeOnTheMountain_ in Town Meeting Day is Tuesday, 3/7. What's on your town's agenda and ballots? by deadowl
Not on a town meeting floor vote. You have to be there in person, usually at an unknown time to vote on earned articles. (There is no schedule as to when votes are held)
If you are working, housebound, sick, caring for someone who is sick, traveling or deployed, or infirm, you don’t get to vote on your towns budget or school district budgets.
Absolutely a travesty.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8o9p8w wrote
Ahhhh, town meeting day floor votes.
Where the white haired landed gentry make the spending decisions for the town without having to see or hear from the working poor, the house bound, the sick, the traveling, the shy or the rest of the undesirables.
The town meeting day tradition of discrimination by floor vote needs to end.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8myxt5 wrote
Reply to comment by Dangerous_Mention_15 in How Vermont’s Housing Crisis Got So Bad by punkthesystem
Take my upvote.
I burbled coffee out my nose when I read this.
Please, take my upvote.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8i68oc wrote
Reply to Serious question for Vermonters by RamaSchneider
Why the fear porn post?
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8i5si4 wrote
Reply to comment by Loudergood in Could a climate change denier please tell me that this weather is actually normal for February? by MarketplaceMallBTV
I really like Teslas, but am sick of their design language.
The vast majority of green energy subsidies (EV rebates, solar panel kickbacks) have been used by the upper middle class and the wealthy in Vermont, particularly those who own a home.
Heck, entire solar panel fields were built as investments by rich out of staters who got a guaranteed high return via feed in tariffs.
The rural working class that has to rent a shitty, drafty 100 year old apartment and drive 35+minutes each way has been and currently is getting screwed by the green push from our legislators.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8i4q70 wrote
Reply to comment by Harmacc in Could a climate change denier please tell me that this weather is actually normal for February? by MarketplaceMallBTV
I agree! Do want the working poor and renters to keep subsidizing the green handouts to the landed gentry of Vermont?
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8g3z4o wrote
Reply to comment by Loudergood in Could a climate change denier please tell me that this weather is actually normal for February? by MarketplaceMallBTV
K. You keep on telling yourself that subsidizing the wealthy in Vermont with tax payer money is gonna solve the worlds climate issues.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8g3nat wrote
Reply to comment by Traditional_Lab_5468 in Could a climate change denier please tell me that this weather is actually normal for February? by MarketplaceMallBTV
Never said they did. That’s why I asked the OP the question.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8f8nyd wrote
Reply to comment by Traditional_Lab_5468 in Could a climate change denier please tell me that this weather is actually normal for February? by MarketplaceMallBTV
Based on their post, I assume the OP is critical of those who question climate change.
While I don’t question climate change, I am also not naive to the fact that any and all actions taken by Vermont and its residents will do fuck all for preventing/reducing climate change.
So, when the OP is dismissive and calls people deniers it really solves nothing and further serves to divide people.
Personally, I’d rather spend state resources on educating our children than giving a rich people a discount on a Tesla or a heat pump while we tax the rural poor for trying to survive.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8e6xiv wrote
Reply to comment by Traditional_Lab_5468 in Could a climate change denier please tell me that this weather is actually normal for February? by MarketplaceMallBTV
Pretty simple. The “bingo” means that the previous post was spot on.
The question to the OP was simple.
Sorry to confuse you.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8dn5k9 wrote
Reply to Instead of a minimum karma/account for posting, how about minimums for commenting? by RamaSchneider
Classic gate keeping. Amplifying voices of those who “qualify” while silencing those voices on the margin who the anointed have deemed as “unqualified”.
What’s next? Are you gonna suggest red lining as a way to improve housing quality and a poll taxes as a way to ensure only “educated” people vote?
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8dlc43 wrote
Reply to Growing Zones? by JMChaseArt
I still stick with zone 4 out of caution for all foundational plantings, but have been growing annuals for zone 5 with great results the last 6-7 years.
Many of the garden centers away from the lake are beginning to carry more zone 5 plants.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8c2pjc wrote
Reply to comment by mjc7373 in Bernie Sanders Has a New Role. It Could Be His Final Act in Washington. by pyl_time
Yeah. The millionaire movement.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8bmedi wrote
Reply to comment by maplesasquatch in Could a climate change denier please tell me that this weather is actually normal for February? by MarketplaceMallBTV
Bingo. Hey OP, tell me what impact Vermont has on the global climate?
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8bm3d5 wrote
Reply to comment by BooksNCats11 in Vermont Public School Teachers- What Are Your Concerns? by Primary-Cap-3147
Sounds like the same reasons cops have been quitting for years.
Accountability matters. The state and your school districts don’t want accountability for themselves or the students.
You reap what you sow.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j7sqamd wrote
Reply to comment by captainogbleedmore in Please help support our campus libraries! by prettypeepers
Does “unlimited user textbook” mean that an unlimited # of people can have the book at the same time?
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j7q5hbr wrote
Reply to comment by SomeConstructionGuy in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
Nope. State government is your best shot at a framework that might work.
National legislation will only make things worse as square pegs don’t fit into round holes.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j7pofe0 wrote
Reply to comment by MYrobouros in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
Cause the last urban renewal plan was soooo great. /s
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j7poa1p wrote
Reply to comment by BudsKind802 in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
Because density has its own cost. Particularly waste water and storm water management.
Outside of the bigger towns, most of vermont doesn’t have the infrastructure for density.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j7pnapc wrote
Reply to comment by SomeConstructionGuy in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
National legislation cannot fix this.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j9lpjlo wrote
Reply to Planning a summer trip. by Wideawakedup
Stop at Cold Hollow Cider mill, the Cabot cheese annex and lake Champlain chocolates in Waterbury/Waterbury Center rather than Ben and Jerry’s. Lake Champlain Chocolates ice cream is excellent.
You will get better quality and more varied local stuff that is NOT owned by a multinational corporation.