
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j5cr77f wrote

The anti-lock system will modulate the brakes many more times than a human is capable of and only modulate when slippage is detected.

I think was agree that slowing down/bleeding speed before hills and hard braking is needed is beneficial.

Based on the OP’s post, I don’t see them as skilled a winter driver with the knowledge to anticipate a slide.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j55p4gd wrote

Silly. Liberal does not equal progressive as you imply.

A simple look at their positions shows they are a liberal policy group.

Who founded this group is irrelevant as people can and do change their political affiliation.

Not sure why that bothers you that they are liberal. It doesn’t mean they are nefarious actors or does it mean they are saints.

They are a Washington corporation who’s main objective is to provide a good living for themselves. If you think they are honestly working to help you, you are delusional.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j5538dm wrote

Yeah. He’s guilty.

It’s crappy that debate criteria requires a fund raising minimum.

It’s really crappy that this fund raising is a way to shut out all who aren’t major party supported candidates.

The watchdog is a liberal advocacy group, so no surprises that they are after him.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j42a6e1 wrote

Snow slides off in large, heavy sheets and pulls the gutters right off. Metal diverters should be installed over doorways alleviating the need for gutters. If you wanted to put bars on an entire metal roof to hold the snow on, in theory you could then have gutters. That’s not very practical.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j42757f wrote

Metal roof, no gutters for you.

Well insulated shingle roof, gutters no problem.

Poorly insulated shingle roof, gutters will work but expect some ice damage occasionally, especially when in the valleys.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j36x90y wrote

Vermonter are often judgmental and dismissive.

Black and white thinking is very common here.

Many folks wear their politics on their sleeve or on a sign in their front yard.

If you’re okay with that, you will be fine.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j320zls wrote

I don’t know if the state has “made” money or ever will make money off drug sales.

I’m all for legal pot from a freedom stand point, but there will be real, ongoing costs associated with legal drugs over the long term.

The government “made” money off cigarette taxes too, until the health care costs exploded and ate all that revenue and more in the out years.

I would be interested to see the cost of regulation, enforcement, expansion of state government and government services for drug abusers be tallied and projected so we can see if there is actually a net financial gain to the state’s coffers.
