
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je6wp0n wrote

The public should be replacing an agency that isn't performing. So if, for example, the PA won't do anything to help expand PATH, then the NJ governor should work to dissolve the organization and replace it with a new one, a new one that has accountability.

It's like complaining that your grocer always has spoiled meat. You use a different grocer.

We should be killing organizations that won't do their job. Unfortunately, we will just keep having our elected officials take kickbacks and do nothing.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je6irjf wrote

Anyone not wanting to help with something that is the primary thing their organization is in charge of.... should be fired. NJ Transit not wanting to help with transit projects? Replace them. PA not wanting to help with PATH expansion? Fire 'em. Replace them with a new organization, especially one that's accountable to elected officials.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je5dw7c wrote

The part of JC doesn't matter in this sense. The strategy in downtown or elsewhere in JC like Heights or Westside should be the same: increase density. That's how you relieve pressure on rent.

And since we happen to have an underbuilding NYC right next to us, we have to build A LOT because it's difficult to build enough as New Yorkers just keep coming over and filling it up. The answer is build, build, build. Build up.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je0rph0 wrote

Building more rentals relieves pressure on rent.

Getting rid of the Realpage monopoly would also relieve a lot more pressure on rent.

Increasing law enforcement would also relieve pressure on rent, by arresting landlords who are breaking the rent control laws.

Disallowing more housing to be built is dumb, and part of the reason we're in this mess. (Not the entire reason)

But we will leave things exactly as they are now, because these large corporations are the ones funding our politicians' careers.