HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jefrrxo wrote
Reply to The pic for this sub is in poor taste by gwmjr
You're using the wrong version of the site... try https://old.reddit.com/r/jerseycity/comments/127tt16/the_pic_for_this_sub_is_in_poor_taste/
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jec5vic wrote
Reply to comment by needfulsalsa in Almost got ran over walking at pedestrian light by Ract0r4561
I sure hope you did a chargeback on your card. Don't reward them for shitty and unethical behavior.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jebffte wrote
Reply to comment by ManongPedro in Almost got ran over walking at pedestrian light by Ract0r4561
If they don't do their job, they should be fired.
If they don't do their job and aren't fired, the police chief should be fired.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jeb5q84 wrote
Reply to comment by needfulsalsa in Almost got ran over walking at pedestrian light by Ract0r4561
> The other time my Lyft driver was watching videos while driving on his phone
You should report this to the police, or, at a minimum, to Lyft. Preferably the police.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jearmoo wrote
Reply to comment by Index_Positive in Does your apartment charge you a monthly "trash removal" fee? by Index_Positive
Tell them you will do your own trash. Tell them again. Make yourself a huge pain in their ass. Be the squeaky wheel.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jeaqy6s wrote
Reply to comment by Vince_BK in PATH Train on Twitter - #PATHThursday is an opportunity for passengers to meet with PATH staff and management to share concerns and offer suggestions about ways to enhance the system. by notabot_123
"or anyone else"
Someone who is accountable to the citizens of Hudson County.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jeapqn7 wrote
Tell them you'll decline, and remove it yourself.
This is just a rent hike in disguise, and will certainly increase every year.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je6wp0n wrote
Reply to comment by ribasad in Rents high. What is your alternative to increasing housing supply? by paul-e-walnts
The public should be replacing an agency that isn't performing. So if, for example, the PA won't do anything to help expand PATH, then the NJ governor should work to dissolve the organization and replace it with a new one, a new one that has accountability.
It's like complaining that your grocer always has spoiled meat. You use a different grocer.
We should be killing organizations that won't do their job. Unfortunately, we will just keep having our elected officials take kickbacks and do nothing.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je6irjf wrote
Reply to comment by ribasad in Rents high. What is your alternative to increasing housing supply? by paul-e-walnts
Anyone not wanting to help with something that is the primary thing their organization is in charge of.... should be fired. NJ Transit not wanting to help with transit projects? Replace them. PA not wanting to help with PATH expansion? Fire 'em. Replace them with a new organization, especially one that's accountable to elected officials.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je5z9ye wrote
Reply to comment by No-Practice-8038 in PATH Train on Twitter - #PATHThursday is an opportunity for passengers to meet with PATH staff and management to share concerns and offer suggestions about ways to enhance the system. by notabot_123
That's exactly why we should talk about firing the Port Authority and getting rid of the organisation every time they do this.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je5qmyt wrote
Reply to comment by Nuplex in PATH Train on Twitter - #PATHThursday is an opportunity for passengers to meet with PATH staff and management to share concerns and offer suggestions about ways to enhance the system. by notabot_123
This. We need to have serious discussions with them about how to eliminate the PATH organisation and transfer everything to NJ Transit or anyone else.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je5qcjh wrote
Reply to comment by FinalIntern8888 in Rents high. What is your alternative to increasing housing supply? by paul-e-walnts
That's all correct except they need to build up and not out. JC doesn't have any farmland to suburbanize.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je5dw7c wrote
Reply to comment by FinalIntern8888 in Rents high. What is your alternative to increasing housing supply? by paul-e-walnts
The part of JC doesn't matter in this sense. The strategy in downtown or elsewhere in JC like Heights or Westside should be the same: increase density. That's how you relieve pressure on rent.
And since we happen to have an underbuilding NYC right next to us, we have to build A LOT because it's difficult to build enough as New Yorkers just keep coming over and filling it up. The answer is build, build, build. Build up.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je26nui wrote
Reply to comment by whybother5000 in Rents high. What is your alternative to increasing housing supply? by paul-e-walnts
> Supply per se isn’t the issue as we had a building binge the last decade.
The problem isn't isolated, our neighbor NYC hasn't been building fast enough, and that means we haven't been building fast enough either, to cover our needs AND their needs.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je26ct2 wrote
Reply to comment by silenti in Rents high. What is your alternative to increasing housing supply? by paul-e-walnts
The things you suggest are the opposite of what we need, and would contribute to rising rents, higher infrastructure costs, more pollution, and a more unhappy population.
In short: it's moronic.
Density is the solution, not suburbanization.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je24ryb wrote
Reply to comment by cheetah-21 in Jersey heights, when do we get new roads? by Chowguru
I bet you're fun at parties.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je24o7u wrote
Reply to “Bike” lanes by TotoItsCallMtrRacing
Someone should call Parking Enforcement on that asshole.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je21wsn wrote
Reply to comment by cheetah-21 in Jersey heights, when do we get new roads? by Chowguru
want heavy rail
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je0t41n wrote
I wouldn't. We moved to JSQ and can't wait to move back to NYC.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je0sc8g wrote
Reply to comment by EyesOnImprovement in Two Easy Ways to Protect Liberty State Park by nuncio_populi
I agree with you somewhat, but OP is trying to help. You're not. Where are YOUR suggestions on what to do?
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je0s5y5 wrote
Reply to Jersey heights, when do we get new roads? by Chowguru
Forget roads, when do we get PATH tracks?
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je0rph0 wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in Tenants Fight Back As Rents Soar In Jersey City And Hoboken by mad_dog_94
Building more rentals relieves pressure on rent.
Getting rid of the Realpage monopoly would also relieve a lot more pressure on rent.
Increasing law enforcement would also relieve pressure on rent, by arresting landlords who are breaking the rent control laws.
Disallowing more housing to be built is dumb, and part of the reason we're in this mess. (Not the entire reason)
But we will leave things exactly as they are now, because these large corporations are the ones funding our politicians' careers.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jdxbozk wrote
You deserve a medal for this post
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jdx3qla wrote
Reply to comment by BBFshul71 in Newport Lease Take Over ? Is this possible or prohibited? by NeueBalance
Unless they try to charge a fortune
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jeg4dc8 wrote
Reply to comment by GoHuskies1984 in Car towed while shopping at ShopRite by The-Main-Characterr
Add the court costs to the amount you ask from them