HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ius6kh8 wrote
Reply to comment by Friendly_Listen6216 in Scary experience with a homeless man asking for money in Newport mall. by Friendly_Listen6216
He probably got the impression that you were scared, and maybe a pushover. And, he was right. He got money out of you. And he will be in that spot more often now, because that spot makes money.
Next time, don't break stride, confidently and firmly and immediately (but not necessarily loudly) say "I don't carry cash" and ignore every word that comes out of their mouth. If he follows you, make sure he thinks you're a crazy SOB that might cut him, and make sure he's aware that you're subtly watching him. Make it so he feels like it's a smaller risk to hassle someone else. Someone else who seems scared or weak.
Let us know if you have any other questions.
We're all in this together.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ius4vcf wrote
Reply to Kura Sushi Bar Opening? by cosmicluma1
I've already written it off as "never opening, doesn't matter anymore".
I might be pleasantly surprised, but I won't be disappointed. They probably can't find staff because they want to pay $1.74/hr
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iurefgz wrote
Reply to comment by jersey385 in Welcome to JC: Where yesterday's brand new bike lanes are today's parking spots by cb2-0-0
When the police don't enforce laws, citizens have to. When cars are parked in bike lanes or sidewalks, maybe they should occasionally lose a mirror.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iurdquc wrote
Why not call the police? You are condoning this behavior if you don't report it to the police.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iur6t09 wrote
Reply to comment by Artichoke_25 in Mean/unstable lady at JSQ path station. by ozzyman07
Nah, even a fish would stop if it gets hurt when it does it. It's basic biology.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iupw82c wrote
Reply to Mean/unstable lady at JSQ path station. by ozzyman07
Bitch spits on me Imma kick her right in the shin HARD. Bet she stops spitting on folks.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iupv6h8 wrote
Reply to comment by Friendly_Listen6216 in Scary experience with a homeless man asking for money in Newport mall. by Friendly_Listen6216
No, 9 times out of ten giving them money will make the situation worse. Either for you or them or others. But definitely worse, and often worse for you.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iupv1ge wrote
Reply to comment by Friendly_Listen6216 in Scary experience with a homeless man asking for money in Newport mall. by Friendly_Listen6216
It absolutely made a difference that you gave him $2, that caused everything after that. Now he knows you're a pushover and he's got a better chance of getting money from you than any other person in the whole mall. No fucking way he's going to walk away from the sucker.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iup8thb wrote
Reply to Scary experience with a homeless man asking for money in Newport mall. by Friendly_Listen6216
This is why.
In fact, don't even talk to them or break your stride.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iuoyfhh wrote
Reply to comment by edk5 in Welcome to JC: Where yesterday's brand new bike lanes are today's parking spots by cb2-0-0
But seriously, short of law enforcement, umm, enforcing laws, I mean without that, the only effective option is just to start kicking the mirrors off cars when they do this. When they get tired of buying mirrors OR when the police start enforcing laws, then this will stop.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iuo85e3 wrote
$mistake.size = $colossal
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iuid96m wrote
Reply to comment by Anonymous1985388 in Fighting higher costs of living; employee burn out by Anonymous1985388
There is no shortage of employees. Your wages are too low. Raise them 25% and see what happens. It's like a magic trick. A full staff roster.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iui6ajn wrote
There is no labor shortage, there is a wage shortage. If you increase your wages, you'll have a line out the door to work.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iug66ve wrote
Reply to comment by Tycho13338 in Where are all the bikes? by International_Pin262
Can't store it in an apartment when you stop at a store. That's what OP is asking.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iug5y6w wrote
Reply to comment by BaconL in Found this written on my gate. Called it and it just rang. Called again and the number was out of service. Very weird. Has this happened to anyone? I’m in the heights. by GTAmark
Maybe they are building up information for an identity heist
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iufs1e8 wrote
Reply to comment by ILoveHotDogsAndBacon in I always wondered why. About time we caught up with the other states. by ralbsy
I care. A lot. Motherfuckers need to put some hustle in their step.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iuetuec wrote
Reply to comment by Amarie1226 in For sale? by Amarie1226
fb marketplace is crap.
Craigslist is where I look when I'm buying.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iueizvr wrote
Reply to comment by nerdiestnerdballer in Where are all the bikes? by International_Pin262
Well to be fair, OP has a very relevant and valid question, and I'd also like to see a discussion about it. But countless folks coming in here answering the wrong question doesn't help the discussion.
Have a great day :-)
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iueer2g wrote
Reply to comment by nerdiestnerdballer in Where are all the bikes? by International_Pin262
OP said
> Where do you park your bike when you have to stop to go into a store or something?
> Where do you store your bike at home?
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iueaz6m wrote
Reply to Bit of an odd request, but does anyone know where there is a coin counting machine? by DanSaysHi
Don't give it to a place that charges you 10%
Don't pay to spend your own money.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iue8q54 wrote
Reply to comment by bodhipooh in Property tax question by n3gative_c00l
It's because we vote for absolute fucking morons to run our society.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iue2vel wrote
Reply to comment by cmc in Where are all the bikes? by International_Pin262
OP said
> Where do you park your bike when you have to stop to go into a store or something?
> Where do you store your bike at home?
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iue2tko wrote
Reply to comment by Reeks_Geeks in Where are all the bikes? by International_Pin262
OP said
> Where do you park your bike when you have to stop to go into a store or something?
> Where do you store your bike at home?
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iubdq2i wrote
Reply to comment by bindrosis in What’s going on with Amy? by sadlunchesaresad
Because she will run you over if you try
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ius7zfg wrote
Reply to comment by gamerdudeNYC in PSA: Employee at The Ashford stealing credit cards by gamerdudeNYC
You should report it to the police. It's literally their job to investigate the crimes and if they can prove it, send the evidence for prosecution. Why do you feel it's your job?