
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ivh9chr wrote

> All that said, I would love to understand the reasoning that the containers from the port aren't being put on rail cars instead of trucks. Rail is just so much more efficient and environmental.

It's because we keep expanding the roads. It's called induced demand. Attempting to solve the problem is actually what creates the problem.

Force them to use tracks, and they will. And, it will be better for everyone.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iv2tr4a wrote

If the police can't solve these crimes and jail the criminals then maybe we need to put bounties on the heads of these people. I'm sure the community members could bag these turds if there were rewards.

One thief corpse = 1 monetary reward.

I mean, or the police could just do their job. You know. Either way works. Depends what kind of society we want to live in. It is our choice.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iuw3f7d wrote

Yes, and supplier cost is not a factor in supply & demand pricing. Only supply quantity and demand quantity. Supply cost is not a term in the equation.

By that logic, you think the prices would go down if taxes or other landlord costs went down? LMAO GTFO

You're confusing this with commodities.