HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iy5rz0x wrote
Reply to comment by Connect_Choice_3042 in Let's talk about Supremo Supermarket in The Heights. by my_rationale
Good help isn't hard to find at all.
Raise the wages and good help will line up out the door to work for you.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iy5ruyl wrote
Reply to comment by aa043 in Let's talk about Supremo Supermarket in The Heights. by my_rationale
> generally when you point out something to Supremo they check and give you the lower price and add that to their huge list of updates to be done.
Doesn't matter, it's still against the law.
If they can't keep their prices listed, they can close down.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iy5rmr9 wrote
> I have experienced prices ringing up higher at the register than advertised on the shelves.
This is actually against the law in New Jersey. Perhaps a shout-out to the Attorney General might make some stuff happen.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iy3qe97 wrote
Reply to Parking around JSQ path by sanjaykhu
The parking spots all around PATH stations are specifically designed to deter folks from parking there and commuting to NYC. It's the only way Jersey City residents can have parking. So if you're trying to do exactly that, expect to have every problem possible.
You need to take transit to the PATH --- or park in an official spot, like the garage at JSQ --- or the West Side park&ride lot for the HBLR.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iy3fusv wrote
Reply to comment by Majin_K in Are parking permits needed? by Majin_K
Unlike the DMV joke, you don't need an appointment. Just show up.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iy3fkjo wrote
Reply to comment by Majin_K in Are parking permits needed? by Majin_K
Fuck doing it online, go to the office in the Heights. They are real assholes in there with superiority complexes, but they will get you a parking permit on the spot.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iy3fad1 wrote
Reply to comment by Majin_K in Are parking permits needed? by Majin_K
They are cheap, as long as you have a valid NJ driver license, the car has valid NJ license plates, and all the addresses on those match your home address, which is in Zone 4, and you live in a building that does not offer parking. If any of those things aren't true, you can't get one.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iy1j3ra wrote
Reply to comment by objectimpermanence in Oonee for scooters? by toastmaven
That's very useful, but the site is still absolute garbage. It is a shame, because it's a great idea. Just seems executed horribly.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iy0f5w4 wrote
Reply to Oonee for scooters? by toastmaven
This is one of the most useless sites I've ever visited. It's literally got no answers at all. The chances of me signing up for something that sounds this shady, are slim to none. Shame because it's a great idea.
They'd be better off making the site a redirect to cat videos.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixzqyor wrote
Reply to comment by WarrenBuffetsDriver in So what does everyone think about the new lines painted on Columbus? So many new “No parking zones” by Jersey-City-2468
Because of the cars hitting them
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixoiv78 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Algorithmic rent setting service under investigation by DOJ for collusion with landlords by JCwhatimsayin
You strike me as someone who is only pretending to be dumb, and has a hidden agenda, aside from consumer protection.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixmvziv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Algorithmic rent setting service under investigation by DOJ for collusion with landlords by JCwhatimsayin
> Is the leasing agent who’s a chill guy and is evaluated on occupancy part of the grand conspiracy to min max you and lying to you blind when he could just give half off rent? No.
Here you go again talking about people.
I'm not going to lunch with this person after work. When they're working, they are a representative of the company, and I am talking to THE COMPANY. I am not talking to them as an individual, this is a business discussion. The COMPANY either will or won't do something, but it has nothing to do with THE MEATBAG that's delivering the news to me.
You seem too thick-skulled to comprehend this.
You intuition is off again, in thinking I don't understand where the collusion comes from.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixmqm16 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Algorithmic rent setting service under investigation by DOJ for collusion with landlords by JCwhatimsayin
Your intuition is off this time.
The lies work because a lot of folks, probably including you, just believe them and immediately pay more money when they're spoken. Why wouldn't the company lie if they get more money?
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixmisvw wrote
Reply to comment by NoSwordfish1667 in Algorithmic rent setting service under investigation by DOJ for collusion with landlords by JCwhatimsayin
You're dealing with the corporation. If they send a representative to talk to you, that can't do anything, that's their own problem.
That's like complaining to your boss that you can't fill out this form, because you decided to grab a chopstick instead of a pencil.
Doesn't matter if the leasing office can or can't, they are simply a paid mouthpiece of the corporation, who absolutely can.
These lies are designed to make you stop asking questions and just pay more. And these lies WORK WELL. Because people believe them.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixmig4m wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Algorithmic rent setting service under investigation by DOJ for collusion with landlords by JCwhatimsayin
If the representative of the company that you happen to be speaking to, doesn't have access to or control over something, that's not your problem, it's an internal detail of how the company runs itself.
People tend to view their interaction with "the person" in front of them. You're interacting with a corporation, and this person is their paid mouthpiece. And this corporation can do whatever it wants to.
"I can't because" and "because policy" are lies, designed to make you stop inquiring, and just pay more money right now. And, THEY WORK WELL. Because people forget what I just said above.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixm5xmu wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Algorithmic rent setting service under investigation by DOJ for collusion with landlords by JCwhatimsayin
> and they have no control
This is a lie. Their company can choose to use any price they want. They CHOOSE to use this price. They have complete control. As usual, when a company says they "can't" do something because "it's policy", it's a lie. They can do whatever they want unless it's illegal.
u/Positive_Debate7048 You're not talking to a guy, you're talking to a company, and that dude is just their paid mouthpiece. The company can do whatever it wants. Including lie to you and tell you that they "can't" change the price. That is a lie. Unless it's illegal, they CAN change the price, but they simply don't want to.
If what you said was true, then a doctor's office couldn't function because when you call and talk to a receptionist, that person isn't a medical doctor and so they can't help with your medical problems.
A business is made up of lots of folks, and which representative it's CHOOSING to speak through is simply an internal detail that shouldn't matter to you. You are still speaking to the business.
Businesses lie about these things, because SUCKERS BELIEVE IT. And then they pay more money. And so OBVIOUSLY businesses will continue lying more and more and more, because lying MAKES MONEY.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixknmxs wrote
Reply to comment by 214ObstructedReverie in How much are people paying for internet around here? by jaeme
They choose not to live in a city though. Oh well LOL
But yeah that's prehistorically slow
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixjyiqu wrote
Reply to comment by 214ObstructedReverie in How much are people paying for internet around here? by jaeme
> 35meg upload? That's real bullshit.
that's not even broadband, bruh
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixjxbye wrote
71.32 vz fios
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixjlfu4 wrote
Reply to comment by Beatbud in Peace out JC, it's been a solid 8 years calling JC my home. but it's time for a change of scenery, off to Denver ✌️ by 70green
You will find those!
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixjadnk wrote
Reply to comment by yennybear888 in Poker in Jersey City? by SubtractedLike
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iximl52 wrote
Reply to Peace out JC, it's been a solid 8 years calling JC my home. but it's time for a change of scenery, off to Denver ✌️ by 70green
I bet you find less corruption there, but much worse public transportation
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixim8gw wrote
Reply to comment by Brudesandwich in !TPK project budget more than doubles to 10 billion by ReadenReply
This is like a little child telling you that building a road to CityB won't allow more people to get to CityB because the road only goes to CityA right now.
Of course, because the new road isn't fucking built yet. Completely not understanding what "build a new road" means.
Complete facepalm.
Are you 9?
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ixi3inu wrote
Reply to comment by Brudesandwich in !TPK project budget more than doubles to 10 billion by ReadenReply
A new north/south PATH line would make it far easier to commute around in Hudson County. I'm talking about a line entirely inside New Jersey.
PATH is a lot faster and more reliable than HBLR, probably mostly because it doesn't cross roads.
HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iy6n8mp wrote
Reply to Journal Square (Safe at Night?) by DarthGabe2142
Journal Square is extremely unsafe. Just last week a Cheetah grabbed me by mistake while she was taking down a gazelle.