Hardcorish OP t1_je4ye3n wrote
Reply to comment by crazedhatter in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
You rock! I wish more people were selfless enough to realize they aren't in a position to raise kids due to their lifestyle or beliefs etc.
Hardcorish OP t1_jdj0p9h wrote
Reply to comment by handrewming in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
You made me think I was losing my mind for a minute! I went back to reread my showerthought to make sure I thought it out properly.
Hardcorish OP t1_jdiesqh wrote
Reply to comment by Sleep-system in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
Again, arguing over semantics. I've no time for this. Open your eyes, have a scroll through this thread and you'll see that we're both right. Have a good one as well.
Hardcorish OP t1_jdibkfg wrote
Reply to comment by Sleep-system in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
>Yeah, that isn't acting like an adult. Plenty of kids do things like that all the time in a healthy context.
The parents are offloading their adult responsibilities onto their children. We can do semantics all day long but neither one of us is wrong here.
Hardcorish OP t1_jdi74xn wrote
Reply to comment by Sleep-system in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
>They act like kids who have to adjust and survive, manage
>basic functions like preparing meals or changing diapers
Certainly, and this is what I had in mind with this showerthought. I wasn't trying to portray the children as doing actual adult things like getting a job or paying taxes, etc.
Hardcorish OP t1_jdi57fh wrote
Reply to comment by junktech in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
Certainly, there's a wide spectrum of possibilities and outcomes that can result from such behavior so it isn't an either/or type of situation.
Hardcorish OP t1_jdhuzqg wrote
Reply to comment by handrewming in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
What do you mean? You've misread my showerthought because you just accurately described what the thought was about lol.
Hardcorish OP t1_jdhup7n wrote
Reply to comment by Sleep-system in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
Sorry you feel that way. Perhaps your experience isn't the same that others have had? Have you considered this? You're right there are plenty of examples where this cycle continues, but there are just as many where the children had to grow up fast to take care of their siblings etc.
This thread has comments providing examples of both.
Hardcorish OP t1_jdhugu8 wrote
Reply to comment by HidetheCaseman89 in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
Be grateful you're mature and intelligent enough to be aware of it at all! Most people aren't even able to connect those dots as you've done, and they end up suffering because of it.
Hardcorish OP t1_jdhu7id wrote
Reply to comment by preissnschreck1 in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
This situation wouldn't apply to you, you're actually doing things right. This showerthought is based on parents who are neglectful due to their immaturity.
Hardcorish OP t1_jdhty1q wrote
Reply to comment by junktech in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
> We act like such but also have a balanced decision making and adulting
This showerthought isn't applicable to this situation then. I'm talking about adults who can't take care of their own kids, not what you're describing.
Hardcorish t1_ja10arr wrote
Reply to comment by H0sh1z0r4 in Why the development of artificial general intelligence could be the most dangerous new arms race since nuclear weapons by jamesj
The only thing scarier is an AI controlled entirely by these same people. We can install all the safeguards we want into AI, but what's stopping a nation state from doing whatever they please with it?
Hardcorish t1_j68e5my wrote
Reply to comment by Excludos in A lot of people take kindness for weakness, that’s why costumer service workers get mistreated. by PokeManiac16
For sure. I only used it as a go-to example precisely because of how overt the behavior is in there. You put a bunch of violent convicts into a confined space and the strongest inevitably will prey on anyone that shows weakness, from their perspective.
Hardcorish t1_j67v5mk wrote
Reply to comment by Excludos in A lot of people take kindness for weakness, that’s why costumer service workers get mistreated. by PokeManiac16
You're right, however this does happen on an individual level. Some people absolutely perceive weakness in others and take advantage by harming/robbing/sexuall assaulting them etc. Take a look in any prison and you'll see this in plain view. It happens on the street as well but prison is the most obvious example.
Hardcorish t1_je50l7z wrote
Reply to Hitting yourself and smiling is weird, unless you’re clapping. by SevenSebastian
and hitting someone else while smiling is weird, unless they're clapping.
...wait, no, that's still weird