HarryHacker42 t1_j6il7y8 wrote
Reply to Venus fly trap on the hunt by c0ntr0ll3dsubstance
The weird thing is this plant can count. It closes on the third detection of something touching it. How does it know it is the third?
HarryHacker42 t1_j6dvds6 wrote
Reply to comment by Duluthian2 in Guy who ate McDonald's three meals a day for a month suffered horrific consequences by Manichallucinations
Just because a restaurant serves Mozzarella sticks doesn't mean you have to order them every visit. Have some self control already!
HarryHacker42 t1_j66i3ee wrote
Reply to comment by Mitthrawnuruo in Florida Republican sends welcome grenades to fellow Congress members by cozzimo
This is Florida. They'll find a way to do the stupidest thing possible. Did you know they elected a pedophile, Matt Gaetz, to represent them?
HarryHacker42 t1_j66hysf wrote
Reply to comment by dratsablive in Florida Republican sends welcome grenades to fellow Congress members by cozzimo
Posting vague youtube links that might be RickRolls...
That's a paddlin!
HarryHacker42 t1_j6672r0 wrote
Reply to comment by dratsablive in Florida Republican sends welcome grenades to fellow Congress members by cozzimo
It is spelled Paladin.
HarryHacker42 t1_j665nct wrote
If you sent real grenades right now, some of them would think they were the fake ones and blow themselves up. This is why we don't play with dangerous looking objects.
HarryHacker42 t1_j65gv1b wrote
Reply to comment by iamveryDerp in TIL to decide what measurement system America should use, John Quincy Adams took 3 1/2 years to produce a 268 page Report on Weights and Measures that ultimately concluded changing to the French metric system would be too difficult for the young nation. Congress took no action on the report. by iamveryDerp
The President should be lobbying lawmakers to do things for the American people who elected him/her.
HarryHacker42 t1_j653yqp wrote
Incest is best, relatively speaking. Its the only way to keep it in the family.
HarryHacker42 t1_j6239bm wrote
Reply to Look at me by Klony43s
I think it is Andrew Tate after the lice and cockroaches kept him company too long.
HarryHacker42 t1_j5hg2mh wrote
Reply to comment by squidvalley in Rep. Lauren Boebert Introduces the Defund Planned Parenthood Act by everlovingkindness
They have in the past. But with the past, we had a Supreme Court that followed laws and didn't just make up garbage to justify the shameworthy positions they force upon us.
HarryHacker42 t1_j5dqb9d wrote
Reply to comment by AmVpooperNow in Rep. Lauren Boebert Introduces the Defund Planned Parenthood Act by everlovingkindness
They provide legal medical services and get the same pay for them others get. It would be illegal to discriminate.
HarryHacker42 t1_j5704tl wrote
Reply to comment by Effective-Elevator83 in ‘Cow Dung Protects From Atomic Radiation’, Says Local Court While Sentencing Youth to Life by chacko96
Next their Supreme Court will use 13th century laws to tell women what crimes will put them in jail:
HarryHacker42 t1_j4vx3wk wrote
Not as crazy as a planet in our solar system being populated entirely by robots, like Mars is.
HarryHacker42 t1_j4hi2b2 wrote
Can't they afford a few trees or grasslands? How much would that really cost them?
HarryHacker42 t1_j34s3mw wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: Static Shock Between Fingers by FooSynth
There is magic at your fingers
For the spirits ever lingers
Undemanding contact in your happy solitude
HarryHacker42 t1_j32dt0k wrote
Reply to [image] There'll be many people to pull you down as you move ahead, but never give up on your goals. by _Cautious_Memory
This is when you walk on the grass.
HarryHacker42 t1_j2fuhro wrote
I would have guessed Andrew Tate but he's in jail.
HarryHacker42 t1_j2fsrwa wrote
Reply to comment by robbycakes in In honor of the Pope by flaming_poop_chute
Sinead O'Conner was right! It was unpopular with Catholics to admit their beloved holy institution was hiding child molesters from prosecution and letting them continue to molest, but that turned out to be fact.
I salute her for trashing her career trying to do the right thing. https://sports.yahoo.com/sinead-o-connor-reflects-controversial-162647216.html
HarryHacker42 t1_j2fskjx wrote
Reply to comment by PieSecret9174 in LPT request: Moving out of the city for the first time at 18 in a rented apartment, any tips? by GauravxAg
Costco will sell you a huge bag of baking soda. $10 for 13 pounds.
You can use it for experiments on weeds you hate as it is quite hard on plant life. You can use it to put out fires. You can mix it with vinegar (also CHEAP at Costco). This is stuff you need, as much as Mentos and Diet Coke, also available at Costco.
HarryHacker42 t1_j2eor1u wrote
Reply to In honor of the Pope by flaming_poop_chute
Was this meal cooked in the fires of Hell where the dead Pope is now residing?
HarryHacker42 t1_j2efzlv wrote
Reply to comment by PieSecret9174 in LPT request: Moving out of the city for the first time at 18 in a rented apartment, any tips? by GauravxAg
Costco sells a fire extingisher that is really good for $35.
Find a friend who has a costco membership and shop with them once every month or two. Frozen single-serving meals are in wide varieties there and quite inexpensive.
HarryHacker42 t1_j2efcf3 wrote
Reply to comment by Electrical_Tip352 in LPT request: Moving out of the city for the first time at 18 in a rented apartment, any tips? by GauravxAg
The worst for the disposal is peels, like potato and carrot. They'll plug up your drain for days. Throw them outside if you're in a big natural setting, or into the trash if you are in an apartment.
HarryHacker42 t1_j2ef7l2 wrote
Reply to comment by j1mmyB3000 in LPT request: Moving out of the city for the first time at 18 in a rented apartment, any tips? by GauravxAg
Worst thing to do is eat take-out pizza and not recycle the boxes. Cook at home. Eat real food.
HarryHacker42 t1_j2ee0p3 wrote
Reply to Someone wrote this in the bathroom. They need to learn how to use all those dating apps by Agent-Gosdepa-USA
This is random guy getting back at somebody he doesn't like by advertising them as gay. He probably is gay himself but doesn't want to admit it. Hurt people hurt people except for William Hurt.
HarryHacker42 t1_j6ip8zd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in eli5: How do erections work? Do they sometimes happen unintentionally? by [deleted]
Yes! When a girl reaches around and grabs you in a friendly way, it can happen fast.