
Hashslingingslashar t1_j2ar7fy wrote

Definitely. Philly has the right base for growth in the 21st century I think. Dense housing stock that’s affordable (compared to the rest of the northeast), lots of universities to produce leading research and provide a pipeline of young talent to drive growth. Philly is fairly insulated (but not immune) to the effects of climate change relative to a lot of the rest of the country as well. The biggest issues we’ll have is some flooding along the river and South Philly but have the tech/engineering to deal with that when the time comes. It’ll be expensive but still far cheaper than what a lot of other places would have to do to avoid people leaving for places less affected by climate change like Philly. Philly offers you 90% of NYC for 40% of the price. Lots of people have caught own. Fishtown/Northern Liberties are absolutely booming right now, I’m part because of people coming in from NJ/NY, as commuting I-95 North can get you there fairly easily. There’s a lot I like about Philly going forward. It’s not going to boom but it’s not going to bust either. I work in real estate development so looking forward to it!


Hashslingingslashar t1_j1t0wem wrote

Sure. But neither can the Republican. And apparently that mattered more to voters. The outcome we have best reflects the will of the voters given the circumstance, which is what we should want. If the voters prefer nobody - temporarily - over a Republican that’s their right. I see zero issue with the outcome. Obviously it would be most preferred if the guy didn’t die but you can’t control that.


Hashslingingslashar t1_ixmr7d0 wrote

*Blastien talks a big game without getting much done, but Post Bro’s actually do get stuff done. Pretty sure they’re building the two largest multifamily projects currently under construction in Philly in NoLibs and at Broad & Washington. Blastien had to bring them in to save his ass at Broad and Washington.


Hashslingingslashar t1_iscfj4c wrote

Penn literally isn’t even involved in this. It’s a private transaction. Their issue should be with the federal and local governments for not preparing to relocate these residents when they knew full well that the land owner didn’t plan on renewing their contract. It was a contract, they did their part, and they can do what they want with the land now.